All content Copyright, 2003, Mike Huovila.

Date Excerpt link Word total
November 4 excerpt 2002
November 6 excerpt 5186
November 7 excerpt 6319
November 8 excerpt 7602
November 9 12484
November 13 16192
November 14 excerpt 19085
November 16 excerpt 25631
November 18 28618
November 24 excerpt 37966
November 29, morning excerpt 45521
November 29, afternoon excerpt 51663

Mike Huovila's Nanowrimo Web Page

A few months ago, I spoke with one of my friends, Jerry, about writing. Jerry is a successful writer. He told me about National Novel Writing Month. This event takes place every November. The goal is to write a 50,000 word work of fiction in between November 1 and November 30. I had no experience or training in writing except for the English classes I took in high school. I've never attempted to write even a short story. So I figured that this was perfect for me.

I started by setting a goal of writing a 30 page short story in the month of August. I started out strong, and found myself with a 45 page half of a book. I plan on finishing it, but it has already exceeded my expectations. I realized that 50,000 words (about 175 pages) is possible in 30 days with a little bit of determination.

On October 1, I signed up at the Nanowrimo site. My username is "Huovi". I plan to track my progress and thought process on this site. I will post excerpt of my work here as well. If you are interested in the story in its entirety, email me. Warning: I do not claim that my efforts will amount to anything more than 50,000 words of junk. I do not anticipate writing a great novel. Or even a good one. But I will finish.

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