All content Copyright, 2003, Mike Huovila. ![]()
Mike Huovila's Nanowrimo Web PageA few months ago, I spoke with one of my friends, Jerry, about writing. Jerry is a successful writer. He told me about National Novel Writing Month. This event takes place every November. The goal is to write a 50,000 word work of fiction in between November 1 and November 30. I had no experience or training in writing except for the English classes I took in high school. I've never attempted to write even a short story. So I figured that this was perfect for me.I started by setting a goal of writing a 30 page short story in the month of August. I started out strong, and found myself with a 45 page half of a book. I plan on finishing it, but it has already exceeded my expectations. I realized that 50,000 words (about 175 pages) is possible in 30 days with a little bit of determination. On October 1, I signed up at the Nanowrimo site. My username is "Huovi". I plan to track my progress and thought process on this site. I will post excerpt of my work here as well. If you are interested in the story in its entirety, email me. Warning: I do not claim that my efforts will amount to anything more than 50,000 words of junk. I do not anticipate writing a great novel. Or even a good one. But I will finish.
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