Hi!!  You've reached the Donald J. Denno (Ugster) Home Page.
This webpage is for my students to be able to download their assignments and other documents for class.
My family!
I have a GREAT family!!  To see them a wedding picture, press this link The Family
I have 2 BEAUTIFUL daughters (Rachel and DJ).  To learn more about them, press on this link:
My girls
My Favorite Sports Teams
Last updated 27 Feb 00
To see my favorite sports teams, click here!
My teams
To see what I look like, click this link:
Me or here's my latest military photo Me in uniform
My Professional Life
I'm a Maintenance Administration and Supply Technician (whew!) for Civil Service (yes, what they say about Civil Service employees is true!).  It's an Army Reserve Technician job so I have to be in the Army Reserves to keep my job (which can suck at times).  Soon there will be a link here to show my civilian work experience.
As you can probably guess, I'm also in the Army Reserves (duh).  I just joined a unit that I think I'm really going to like.  I'm an Operations NCO in a Logistic Support Battalion.  I am a Master Sergeant (E-8), which I like much more than the idea of being a First Sargeant!!   Soon I'll create a link listing my Army Reserve background (if you're interested, or for that fact it'll be there even if you're not!).
Feel free to e-mail me 
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