Welcome to my web site! If you like, you can learn a little bit about what I do. Lately my main activity has been running. I run marathons (26.2 miles) and longer distance races. By 2001 I had completed a marathon in all fifty states. Visit my Marathons page for more details. I still find time to play basketball, bowl, golf, go to movies and read. Some of my favorite Movies and Books can be found on that page. I used to have teams in fantasy sports leagues but I retired from them in 2000. You can learn about that and other stuff on my Miscellaneous page. Oh yeah, I'm a Domer too. That means that I went to the University of Notre Dame. There's a link to ND, my employer, and various other spots on my Links page. Finally you can see more pictures of me in my Photo Album. You can send me an email at tgialanella@hotmail.com.
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