Baseball Consultant

"Staying in the Game"


408 806-0667







Our Mission Statement
We believe to develop baseball players to their full potential, they need access to the best and most current information available to maximize their potential. I'm not only dedicated to bring out the best in an athlete but committed to provide them with best instruction possible. I also believe an athlete progresses and succeeds with positive reinforcement. We build confidence and mental toughness they need to be successful.


Building a Better Athlete is our goal

Conditioning and Arm strength is a major concern for baseball players today. This is an area that is very popular and growing rapidly in every sport today. Every player knows to compete with the top athletes you need to be in top physical condition. We are dedicated to the development of our athletes to become bigger, faster and stronger in our program.

We create the behavior and the environment an athlete needs to become the best he can possibly be. We show them how to create routines that will help them maximize theirr strength and increase your durability. We emphysize good posture and proper mechanics during all workouts. Our methods are use everyday at the major league level. We focus on core strengthening, plyometrics and  the latest in SPARQ training technique {MORE}


Develop the Hitting edge is our specialty

We focus on every aspect of hitting. Starting with Kinectic energy in working from the ground up. We enforce the 4 absolutes in hitting, Dynamic Balance, Sequential Rotation, Axis of rotation and Bat lag. We teach proper Hitting Mechanics, Hips lead the hands, Getting the swing to match the plain of the pitch and staying inside the ball. We talk a lot about approach and making adjustments.

We review the most common mistakes among hitters today. Breaking down the swing into the key elements where adjustments are made. We instruct our hitters to understand their strengths and weaknesses. We talk about Pitch recognition and hitting strategies as well as building confidence and mental toughness. {MORE}


The Art of Pitching Competitively is a priority

Warming up and stretching properly is the responsibility of every Pitcher. Baseball is a game of precision. We show our students how to work hard and work right concentrating on technique. Pitchers not only have to train their muscles but they have to train your movement.   

We believe instructors see and teach; Players feel and perform. We break down the pitchers mechanics, explain what we see. Then explain the whole process with them from start to finish. Reviewing the basic fundamental of pitching and the steps through motion to delivery. We watch our students throw a few pitches and ask them what they feel. This is one technique we use to train the pitcher to begin to understand what they are feeling throughout their motion and identify where adjustments can be made. {MORE



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