Would you like to make money off of people's
Long-Distance Calls, Internet Access, Paging Service, and Calling Cards?
This is not a typical multi-level marketing scheme. The pay plan of International Teamworks, Inc. (ITI) is in the process of being patented and has been proven to work.
Long-distance phone service is available for 6.9¢ per minute based on 6-second billing. This service is available for $3 per month and is good 24-hours a day, 7-days a week. The network service is provided by MCI.
Pagers are given free with a small activation fee and one-year contract.
Calling cards are free for only 14.9¢ per minute.
True 800-service is available at only 6.9¢ per minute.
Internet access is available for $19.93 per month. Includes 5 e-mail addresses with up to 10MB per address with 2.5MB of server web space.
With plans like this it is easy to get customers and enable you to make money off of services people normally use at a greater cost.
For more information, please e-mail
Mark T. Porter.