Sausman's 1998 PHCS Awards

Martin and Hemps and Whitty and Wazza
These are to in no way offend anyone in any way whatsoever. If you are in any immediate way offended by material on this Awards project constructed by Sausman, then abuse me, but I'm not changing it, OK! By the way, most of these awards are subtended from the school photo, if you think some are a tad strange.
Award 1 "Sexiest Persons"
Maree and Lucas (that face!)
Award 2 "Twins"
Carrie/Sarah W, Tim H/Tunni, Maree/Sonya, Whitty/Josh L. and Michelle Barker/Aaron
Award 3 "Derros"
Sluts, Rich and Brad
Award 4 "Most annoying flirt"
Michelle Barker
Award 5 "Most interesting flirt"
Sarah W.
Award 6 "Biggest flirt"
Award 7 "Biggest flirt likely to crack onto anything that moves"
Michelle Barker
Award 8 "Most likely to be gay"
Martin (although he's not neat and certainly not thin - I'll give him that)
Award 9 "Most likely to be "domestic" in later years"
Wazza, Tunni (too close to call)
Award 10 "Most hardcore"
Guy Mah
Award 11 "Best driver"
Award 12 "Worst drivers"
Lucas, Asher (I can't split it); Evita and Bussy are outsiders
Award 13 "Worst choosers of parking space"
Maree, Josh L, Jennie, Jodie, Rob L and Nat B
Award 14 "Most annoying"
Asher and Heather
Award 15 "Most likely to fall off boat"
Andrew White (with help of Benn Waters), Bourney (jumping), Josh L (rebelling) and at least one Year 10
Award 16 "Bookworm look-a-like"
Tim H, Tunni (doncha think?)
Award 17 "Most mature"
Matty, Astrid
Award 18 "The "I can't take a joke" award"
Jillian, Becci
Award 19 "The "I can't get a joke" award"
Malcolm, Maree
Award 20 "Best 'do"
Nat Buck, Bourney
Award 21 "Biggest Drugo"
Dave Cleary
Award 22 "Most eligible incarcerate"
Award 23 "Biggest Whingers"
Michelle B, Stu McCormack, Josh L
Award 24 "Biggest Liar"
Award 25 "Most likely to visit the play-boy mansion"
Andrew White
Award 26 "Most likely to be instituted"
Michelle Barker
Award 27 "Most loved"
Jennie, Whitty
Award 28 "Most hated"
Rob Lincolne (so I understand)
Award 29 "Most likely to be in the media"
Benn Waters, Guy Mah (for different reasons)
Award 30 "Best couple"
Asher and Heather
Award 31 "Mr Balsy"
Rob L (for jumping out the window to escape Poony)
Award 32 "Most boring"
Everyone else
If you haven't been got yet, here's some of the dirt I've accumulated, and remember from, over the years.
Oh, what the hell, I'll stop. I've got better things to do, anyway.

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