JWH's Web Hint's I am spanning the web to help out my fellow webmasters, but I can't get to everything, so if you find something helpful give me a ring at wcwnwo@cyberdude.com
More helpful hints coming soon CUT & PASTE hints to your web page..!
To see how TABLES work, click left side of your mouse, then click VIEW SOURCE, and this whole page is an example of how TABLES work... |
Do away with those pesky pop-ups Add these tags between the <body> </body> tags...WEB SITE | Banner HTML |
http://www.geocities.com | <!--#geoguide--> |
http://www.virtualave.net | <;!--VirtualAvenueBanner--> |
http://www.hypermart.net/ | <!--#echo banner=""--> |
regular type FRAMES...<FRAMESET COLS="75%,325%"><FRAME SRC="Your url" NAME="1"><FRAME SRC="Your main url" NAME="2"></FRAMESET> |
1: Add this to a page without the html, and body tags. 2: Name your links on side bar MENU to show in window 2 2a: Name TARGET="2". (example)<A HREF="ANY LINK" TARGET="2"> 2b: and it should show up in other window... |
| <MARQUEE BGCOLOR="#ffffff" border="0" width="250" height="15"><FONT Color="#000000">SCROLLING MARQUEE -- TYPE ANYTHING HERE.........</FONT></MARQUEE> |