Playing a ROAD Series
a) Within each SET, there will generally be several SERIES, and each owner plays ONLY his ROAD series. Before you begin playing a ROAD series (before you even start the game), you must do two things:
i. You must be certain to have the latest file sets unzipped into your CDROMBB/ROSTERS and CDROMBB/STATS folders before you begin playing a new series interval.
ii. You should empty your CDROMBB/EXPORT folder;
Commissoner's Note: The CDROMBB/EXPORT folder is where the game collects results from ALL games we play in ALL leagues we have installed. This folder can contain thousands of Game Files if not cleaned out periodically. Since we will be using Game Files to report results back to the League Office, it is imperative that you can easily find the game results in your CDROMBB/EXPORT folder. To insure that, it is important that you begin playing a ROAD series with no other Game Files in that folder. It is also helpful to finish the ROAD series, zip up the results and send them to the League Office BEFORE beginning a new series with any other two teams in any other league.
b) Next, start the game and highlight the Robin Yount (19XX) Season (where XX is the season currently being played).
d) At the SCHEDULE screen, do the following:
i. Highlight the correct date under DAY IN SCHEDULE;
ii. Under SCHEDULED GAMES, highlight your ROAD game;
iii. At the top of the SCHEDULE screen, change HOLD to MANUAL for your game, and put all the other games for that day on HOLD (I will usually have all games set to HOLD in the league files you receive, but I may forget so check this);
iv. Choose PLAY DAY. You will be taken to the AUTOPLAY screen;
v. At the AUTOPLAY screen, click on MANUAL. You will be then be taken to the GAME SETUP screen.
e) Since the HOME team will be using HAL, you need to make certain that COMPUTER is selected under the HOME team.
f) Make certain that your minor leaguers are correct, choose your starter, and choose the appropriate lineup. You can promote/demote minor leaguers freely as part of your CM. You do that when you set your CM for home games and at any time for road games.
g) VERY IMPORTANT: Make certain that EXPORT GAME RESULT FILES is checked, that the USE DH RULE is checked, and click the DAYS OFF button for the first game of each series only.
h) Choose PLAY BALL and have fun!
i. You should NOT use AUTOPLAY;
ii. Needless to say, you should NOT REPLAY a game or use the DELETE LAST PLAY option;
iii. Remember, you must use players only in positions at which they are rated unless an emergency situation arises;
iv. If your opponent (HAL) uses a player out of position, you are not allowed to change that; however, if the computer manager was sent to you with a player playing out of position, please notify the commissioner.
j) Click on OK.
k) Choose END GAME.
l) Play each game of each series in the same manner. However, you should send the results of each series to the Commissioner and your opponent as you finish the series.
Sending Results to the Commissioner and Your Opponent
a) You should send both the Game Files for each series you complete and the boxscores to the Commissioner and your opponent.
COMMISSIONERS NOTE: Since many owners like to track the results through the interval, you might want to send the results to our e-groups list serve. You will find the Game Files in the CDROMBB/EXPORT folder, and you will find the boxscores saved as a .prt file under the CDROMBB/PRINT/1974RY folder. Please attach all files for a single series in one zip file, which you should name XXXYYYZ, where XXX is the visiting teams 3 digit abbreviation, YYY is the home teams 3 digit abbreviation, and Z is the set number in which the series is being played.
i. A few words about Game Files: If you previously deleted ALL Game Files within your CDROMBB/EXPORT folder as recommended above and have on HOLD all the other games scheduled to be played on the days of your games as recommended above, you should find ONLY the Game Files for the ROAD series you just completed. There will be two files for each game in the series, one ending with an extension beginning with "v" for the visiting team and one ending with an extension beginning with "h" for the home team. Assuming a three game series, you would have exactly six files in your CDROMBB/EXPORT folder, three for the visiting team and three for the home team.
b) Any Game Files that do not reach the League Office by the deadline will NOT be used, and the games represented by them will be simmed.