Shout outs
Nate Dogg
Whats up dogg, hope u like the page send me some pics and you'll be up here.  Workin on airplanes. Lets golf.  I know you just like chillin.   Tim told me your woman has u in check. Still have a pimp car and dont talk to much. NBA Live, Sac Town, Goodykoontz, hahah, Mexican, dogg, Cincinnati, Villone cy young winner, overrated, Vlade Divac, who does that move, movie passes, one-on-on. Smith looks like Geebs. u ever gonna lift
What up next door neighbor always.  College is great hope your lovin it.  Stay away from all the ladies, and keep lifting. Bros till the end, oh and dont forget to do your chores. Little bat baseball, Up the middle, Nintendo, baseball stars, boxin lokkesmoe, Piano practice, washin dishes. hahaha nice tat
Mackey-abababbabaab, your hair looks fine, i like May too, CaK, Whats her story, Im tore, YEAH.....i bowl. 10 for 10
Brady Chicago dogg, yeah just chillin all the time, liftin like a stud. Mole posse
come on fellas, fellas, seriously fellas.  best artist ive seen, sorry mack. I can take it bring it on, wanna piss blood, we need to talk, im serious see my face, thanks for christmas present, can we clean the room, seriously ferg, i just dont know, moneys not an issue, 80's songs, nice wallpaper, those are my shoes, that is my shirt.
Shaun-i hate u fa......, im bored, yeah shes cool, what are u guys doing, soccer stud, V-town, nice girl, better give u some money, no cash, nice earring, roomate bonding, wanna get something to eat, piss off. Shakira Wherever, whenever.  Roomate. Jack up my car, roadtrip seattle. My boy till the end, Xbox all the time, Can i use your car, Mexico trip, Smokin in the kitty pool. Side arm thrower, Think i can play baseball?  Dont (fill in) 
Bball, yeah she wants me, great voice, Tulsa, shampoo, Kathy, Kirk, Vern, Yeah ok sherm, Mav, chest bump, Road trips, room 103, wanna lift, rbi baseball, Tennis, Youth pastor, Cak, are u serious, ya slapped him twice hit him once, whyd you do it,  Bench mob, Treaters, your my twin, red with silver sparkles, stalker, i said no to her ferg, Braveheart, Sunset heat, give it a chance itll be good. head bands, we dominated, lets grub, Annie, Tank, Nice hair, you should shave, So whats up with her. Jace, Jon, ballerz, HBO, keepin me in check. Ill kill you,
Thrash-hey thrash rememember westmont, she wants me, LB, dang it, he cant guard me, are u serious. right hand runner.  blueball stretch, heart throb. You idiot. Broken nose.
Weaks-i love it, speedos, thick, defensive stopper, pat the po...., everything shaved, nice to meet ya fella,  ya know what im sayin, helicopter
Strong-glides up the court, chicks dig ya, spin move, calves, shaved legs and head, alaskan assassin. Work together, the switch.
Rios-rico suave, say somethin, some people just have a genetic problem. big....., frappin, dont ever do that sh.... again. chain. eagles nest worker.  R.I.P brother, miss you and ill see you in heaven.
Abi-stick legs, froggy, big skinny, i eat bones, Anaconda, rim hanger, 190.
sherm-what? what did he say? who? where? why? what was that? yeah like your any better treat.
Ganyo-chico baller, one two combo on the wolves. elementry through highschool ballers. Pulls the chicks, Just chillin you know. goodykoontz.
Lopez-fergus, u going to class, bedtime at 10, snuggling with the nose, bible verses, are u serious, call me at 7 ill kill u, daniel 3:16, RA.  No way. lets play poker, Strip. Dirty Whoa.  Date to Denny's, Date to the movie. Your on my list.
Becky sad, yes ferg, DC, yeah thanks for callin, thanks for emailin, yeah i dance. Baseball game, cant take me. you wish, always together, lets have a moment of silence, hahah. Captain James Hook,  just chillin, you drive? My car, the park, baseball field....etc.  You owe me.
Li Apts.
Cory-fergo, switch with weaks, no more movies on couches. Best athlete at biola, Mexico trip, Cinnamon alcohol
Jana-downtown disney worker, taken by weaks, lets switch, robot dancer, stupid
Lexi-ferg give me a backrub, taken by thrasher, weekly check up during the summer. baller 
Melissa-singer, arkansas, free woman, hottie, always going to the beach, workin with psychos. back massages
Amber/Michelle-vballers, taller than me, inseparable, beat up on me, Holmquist tells you to stop pickin on me,  bf cant beat my team in football, downtown disney magic, tiki room, Ford Thunderbird fight, Feelers of fruit, cant walk straight. Fabulous. English tutor.
Courtney-doesnt return emails, phone calls or anything else, surfer,  the getty abuser, 19yr old jr. Soaked with water while drivng toyota privia.

Dennis-college supporter, lifes not fair, im butter your toast, lets golf, thanks for the clubs, thanks for the money, Celtics fan, Larry Bird fan. 
Blake-Jazz suck, Kings rule, keep ballin, basketball is the best, Doug Christie, He cant guard me, trash talker, jazz drool.
Pg. 3
Jeff-yeah cuz, ballin, 21, christmas, thanksgivin at Grams, golfing, Playstation, pranks, fireworks.
Brittney-umm yeah, princess, back together again, gp, seattle, i play basketball, red cheeks, he said i look good and thats all that matters, my brothers are so funny, red flag, email all summer, dont tell me, little ball in your room,  to many differences, Riverside, my sister cracks me up, im till 3 in the morning, things have changed, gary payton shoes, and jersey, love the voice, yeah ook, dont yeah me.  oh my gosh, nice car. Oceans 11 u payed. Doesnt date, doesnt return emails, phone calls, just likes to sit at home.  Gettin along better now in our older days, Jos calls you my.....,  i dont like payton anymore, bones, the only way ill ever make out with you is if I'm drunk.
Shaef-4 years living next to each other, engaged, homo, your mom, roomates finally, keeping me in check, helping me with my walk, great influence, you really are gay.  But i still love ya, living with you for the summers. Gonna be havin sex before me. Wrestling partner
Hunt-Out to eat talks, A's fan, h.s. girlfriend, keeping me in check, outstanding,  penetration, oregon all the way. Pickin up on the older ladies, pastor.
Eikum-movie hopping, cusser, drinking the night away, sleeper, minnesota loving.  Jesus life really didnt do it for me, she was working at the wedding?  Gonna miss ya back in minnesota.
Turner-hittin my car, beyond serious, hustler, marathon runner, upper thigh grabs
Schelling-Think im not, sure, baseball lingo, got the woman in check, sac up.