The 2005 Football Pool
as told by the Commish
Week 9
He likes big butts and he cannot lie.....Latino Heat, David Liriano becomes the
4th AXA Equitable champ this season with an impressive 11-2-1 record. D.L.
clinched week 9 with Indianapolis' statement win over the Patriots (the leaders
of the pathetic AFC East). Congrats to David and the Liriano family, finally
some clean topics can be discussed with the family at the dinner table.
Week 8 note
Apologies to Mr. Furious, Armen Varjabedian who impressively won week 8 last
week: The column had a bye week. Please don't be mad.
Three notable players this week
CrazyDitka, Phil Rosengren 10-3-1 - Ditka has started his climb up the charts
with an impressive 10 win week
Major Deeghan, Kathy Toomey 10-3-1 - The commish's favorite is sitting pretty in second place - four games behind our fearless leader
The Velvet Fog, Michael Diapoala 10-3-1 - Costanza is trying to breakthrough during an otherwise subpar season

Latino Heat 11-2-1

Double or nothing/Shlitz/Dry Humpers 0-13-1
State of the Pool
Nice week for those who picked this week. Overall we went 293-279-44. Obviously those who did not picked brought us well below the Mendoza line. In the NFL, the G-Men, the Sea-Men (Seattle, you sickos), the Panthers and the Falcons seem to be a cut above the rest in the NFC while the Colts look like they are about to run away with the AFC, only the Steelers/Chargers look like serious contenders, with the Broncos/Jaguars/Pats (someone has to win the AFC East) as dark horses.
Overall Leaders
Jason Weinstein, Jason Weinstein got off to a bumpy start this week, but this grumpy old man managed to squeak out a +.500 week and minimized the damage to his large lead. Weinstein continues to lead the pool by four games. This superb run began in Week 5 and will surely end by week 12.
As we pass the halfway mark of the season, here are four within striking distance:
Major Deegan, Kathy Toomey - 4 back - Kathy rode the Thruway to 10 wins this week as she begins her mid-season charge
Karl Knechtel, Karl Knechtel - 4 back - Our top money winner is looking to add to his fortune. Aside from one god-awful week, Karl has been tremendous this season
Two Beer Queer, Marichelle Tanag - 6 back - Lead application developer, Marichelle, had an off week this week but did not lose much ground behind the leader. The quiet assassin is still lurking.
Betsy Nichols, Betsy Nichols - 6 back - Off week for Betsy as she loses out on second place, but a consistent season puts her right in the thick of it
The Basement
Dry Humping Martinis, Mike Yamarik overtook the lead in the basement after three consecutive non-pick weeks. Dry humper leads Moose Haas by 6 games.
Best of luck in week 10!