I unfortunately have to include this notice on my web site due to people in the past trying to pass off
my photography for theirs.  As a result, I have added my copyright to the photos contained on this web site.

All photographs, and logos on these pages copyright Jason Herman unless otherwise stated.

Please feel free to use any of the images for your own personal use, for Windows backgrounds
and the like, but do not pass them on to anyone else, or modify them in any way, nor pass them
off as your own. In particular, permission is not given here for the use of any image on web
sites. Any photograph (or graphic or background come to that) on the internet is the copyright of
the person who created it, even if it is not obvious who that person is.

If you are unsure of how the laws of copyright apply to the internet click here for Brad
Templeton's '10 big myths about copyright explained'.