So who is this Jason Herman guy anyway?
This web page is a new chapter in my cycling passion. Bringing the enthusiasm for cycling into the digital age.
Let me tell you a little bit about me though. I promised myself that I would not fill this page with links to all the places I have been, lived, or attended.
I was born March 4, 1971, in Queens, New York City. I chose my time carefully, I waited until a giant blizzard to make by debut. Needless to say, timing has been a major issue in my life.
I lived in Rego Park, Queens, until I was 9 years old. Then my parents had a great idea.... we would buy a 3500 sqft. loft in Greenwich Village. Over they years I have lived in many places on Manhattan Island, Greenwiich Village, East Village, South Street Seaport, Wall Street. I never seemed to make it above 14th Street, but then again I never really wanted to.
While growing up in New York City I went to PS 139, PS 41, IS 70, and Stuyvesant High School. I think growing up in New York City was an increadible experience and something I am very happy with. I loved growing up and going to the Museam of Modern Art, Museum of Natural History, and Central Park. New York City has increadible architecture if you look up every once in a while.
Growing up I had always wanted to be a American Football player. There was one major problem however, I have a very tiny frame and very little shoulders. I knew this would be a problem if I ever wanted to really play football. When I was 14 years old I happened to turn on TV and saw Greg LeMond and Bernard Hinault climbing L'Alpe D'Huez. I don't know what it was, but the cycling bug bit me hard at 14. Here I am living in New York City, one would think the antithesis of cycling, and I just fell head over heels with the sport.
i was able to watch cycling here and there since 1985, most memorably watching the Tour de Trump start in NYC and watching George Hincapie and the others ride the Central Park races.
I was so inspired to get out in the world and bike that I joined Student Hostling Adventures and went on a month long cycling tour from Amsterdam to Paris. I think this experience greatly changed my life. It definately openned my eyes and let me see Europe properly, biking through
I was fortunate enough to have our cycling tour wind up in Paris on the same day as the Tour de France came to town. I was able to see Pedro Delgado win his Tour.
When I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA,
in 1993 I took a great undertaking that changed my life. I want
In 1995 I started going to races. I was out of college and could get mobile enough (remember I was from New York... I did not know how to drive or have a car) to start going to races. The first race I ever saw was the 1995 Tour DuPont. I remember vividly driving into Fredricksburg, Virginia, and seeing all the team cars. I remember pulling into a gas station and having the entire Novell Team Bus behind me. There I am pumping gas and Abdujaparov, Ekimov, Dekker, and Van Bon are there behind me.
Since then I have become a bit of a regular around the East Coast American Circut. I regularly attend the First Union Races including the USPRO Championships in Philadelphia, PA. I am saddened by the passing of races I once went to but are now no longer.... I miss the Thrift Drug Classic, K-Mart Classic of West Virginia, and the Tour DuPont.
I am currently a resident of Arlington, Virginia. I live a stones
throw away from the Iwo Jima Memorial, and a few blocks away from Georgetown.
I have lived in the Washington DC Metro area for 7 years now.
I used to work for an international computer consulting firm based out of Fairfax,
Virginia. I now work for The Motley Fool in Old Town Alexandria.
I will certainly be out there clicking away and making additions to
the site.
Hopefully you in turn will stop by from time to time to see what updates
and renovations have been made.
See you out at the races and on the roads!
Best Wishes,
Jason Herman
If you need to contact me you may at:
If you want to see additional photos of me on the following photos.
This part is mostly for the family... but feel free to look at the
photos and see your web-host in a few fun places around the globe!
- Me in a German Castle - 1993 Vacation. The funny thing is I took this photo while in the dark. I just set the camera down, put the timer on, and then click, I was blinded by the flash and then went about my merry business. A month later when I developed the photo did I realize what I good photo resulted.
- Campground and Content - Here I am in a campground on my 1993 European Vacation. Happy and Content, with my 'Tourist' chocolate candy bar. The bar was great for energy, Swiss Chocolate with nuts and rasins.
- Detail of Campground and Content - Notice the candy bar I hold. I am a Tourist.... but at least I am camping it.
- Behind Notre Dame - 1998 Paris
- Another Behind Notre Dame - 1998 Paris