1996 Olympics
Atlanta, GAHas it really been close to three years since the Olympics? Time sure does fly.
It seems like only yesterday that I told my boss nothing short of a death in my immediate family or my own death would prevent me from going to the Olympics.
How many times in one's life do you have the opportunity to get in your car and drive to the Olympics? Let us hope that this is not the last! (To all you people living in and around Sydney.... this is your opportunity to make my dream come true).
Men's Time Trial
- Lance Armstrong
- This photo is one of my most prized photos. Lance was unlucky to get caught during the rain storm.
- Alex Zulle - You will notice some rain streaks across the photo.
- Chris Boardman
- This guy had the most amazing first lap. Everyone just looked at their watch in awe as he came through the first lap. Chris eventually slowed down and won the Bronze Medal.
- Bjarni Riis
- One could call 1996 the hot year for Riis! But despite winnning the 1996 Tour and doing well during Tour time trials, Olympic Medals were not meant to be.
- Allex Zulle
- Zulle hear rides in the rain which is visible going from right to left. Despite Zulle's record for riding in the rain, he did not crash during this time trial.
Women's Time Trial
This is one big regret I have during the Olympics. I spent 3 hrs waiting outside the start/finish area trying to get a chance to meet Miguel Indurain. That did not happen and neither did the women's time trial.
Men's Road RaceFrankie Andreu - Before the race begins. I am on my way down to from the Start/Finish line to the final corner which takes the rider up PeachTree. I see Frankie talking to someone and I quickly lean over and snap off this photo. Random shot with amazing results.
Mario Cippolini - Before the race begins. Several people and myself are standing across from the pits. We keep on hounding Mario for an autograph until he comes over to satisfy our requests. My partners get an autograph.... but I get this photo.