Andrea Glass - Sweetie you have been a great friend to me since we met almost three years ago, I apreciate all the great times we have had in the past and look to more in the also have become a real good tennis player too in that time, its nice that you took some of my advice that I gave you and used it in your matches..You will be a top 10 player soon if you keep believing in yourself..Because I know you can do it...*hug*
April - 1999 at college was a blast, with our study group and the times at the coffee shop after..It made me look forward to Wednesday's, I miss those times a whole lot :( ...I am so proud of you, you have worked so hard to make it here on your own...Go get'em doll *s*
Heidi - You are one woman with a great head on her shoulders, you are determind to be a great educator...You taught me a lot in the time knowing you, your a great friend and we always have a blast when were together, *hug* I miss you a lot..Lets do lunch sometime
Amanda - Your a one of a kind woman, you have done so much for me through the years, I really appreciate it and love you to death.
Rachel - we have been friends now for over five years now, wow time sure flys..We've had so much fun when you come to San Diego..You can visit me anytime you want, and we can hit the ball around *S*
Suzi - It was always so nice to talk to you on the long bus rides to our tourny's, we became so close and you left a footprint on my heart..I hope you are doing well, write me sometime ok...