Welcome to the

Milford NH Wrestling Team Guestbook!

nice page - 11/29/00 01:44:42


- 10/17/00 00:03:57
Favorite Wrestler: Jeff or course

You guys are doing great, keep it up

Dom DiGioacchino - 04/11/00 01:00:10
My URL:http://www.warriorcamps.com
My Email:coachdom@warriorcamps.com
Favorite Wrestler: Dan Gable

Introducing Dom DiGioacchino's Warrior Wrestling Camps and Video Series.

Michael Talbott - 03/07/00 02:43:02
My Email:Rush_one@msn.com
Favorite Wrestler: Mike Talbott

I dead sexy

Dianne Googine - 03/02/00 05:34:58
My Email:dgoo463422@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Ken Goodine

I want to tell my son that I am proud of him wining your IMS state title at 160 lbs we know you could do it. I also want to say to all the Wrestlers you were part of my family also and I am very proud of you.

Tracy Mellin - 02/26/00 17:10:11
My Email:CAM6295@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Dave Elmer


missy - 02/20/00 18:02:21
My Email:TeachrMel@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: 2000 champs

Gentlemen- Great job Saturday-you all wrestled wonderfully! Can't wait till the next few weeks--keep up the great work.

missy - 02/10/00 04:04:23
My Email:TeachrMel@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: all of you

Gentlemen-I love this site (good work Luis)! I would like to steal some of Mrs. Elmer's words by saying that I am proud to be a MHS wrestling fan and I have enjoyed watching many of you grow as people and wrestlers! Who would have thought some of you sen ors would be were you are today! Good luck in the coming weeks--IMS Champs Again???

Mr. B - 02/09/00 19:04:44
Favorite Wrestler: Jeff

I love wrestling

- 07/23/99 22:23:29


Spence - 06/12/99 10:45:14
My Email:topdawginak@yahoo.com
Favorite Wrestler: Rob Millward

wazup dawgs . good luck next year

dfgh - 06/02/99 09:23:56
My Email:sgh
Favorite Wrestler: sfgh


- 06/02/99 09:23:46


rob - 05/20/99 05:08:59
Favorite Wrestler: me

wazup guys

- 05/20/99 01:33:00


dfgh - 05/20/99 01:30:21
My Email:sgfh
Favorite Wrestler: sfgh


rob - 05/20/99 01:28:40
My Email:topdawginak@yahoo.com
Favorite Wrestler: me


Nikki - 05/07/99 19:00:45

i miss the wrestling season already. ill be back to see you guys next year

- 04/27/99 19:59:06


Jeff Sellars - 03/29/99 05:15:17
My Email:JDSFWL@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Holly

Heh man! We kicked a lot of ass, which is very cool. We need to all keep working inorder to stay on top for next year. That means not getting busted for any parties(i.e.Nates). Nice haircut Mr. Bourassa! You look a lot better without any hair. Choa Butos! !!

- 03/23/99 00:44:40


Rob-the stud-Millward - 03/19/99 20:36:34
My Email:Millward.Robbie@HQEXCH1.elmendorf.af.mil
Favorite Wrestler: Dave Elmer

wasup its me again

- 03/18/99 01:24:42


- 03/13/99 00:44:01


Rob Millward - 03/12/99 22:39:23
My Email:Millward.Robbie@hqexch.elmendorf.af.mil
Favorite Wrestler: Rob Millward

Luis great job. I miss you all. I'm very proud of the accomplishments you all have achieved this, both as individuals and as a team. Please e-mail anytime. Good luck to all and i hope to see you soon.

Rob Millward - 03/12/99 22:28:23
My Email:Millward.Robbie@hqexch.Elmendorf.af.mil
Favorite Wrestler: El Nino


- 03/07/99 15:10:44


justin - 03/07/99 15:10:41
My Email:jmb3184@aol.com

jeff sellars told me to check this out, and i'm definetly impressed with your year this year, and hope that you continue your success.

Nikki - 03/05/99 02:39:57
My Email:kiwi428@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: all

Luis, you did a great job with the action shots! Those are great! Good luck to Erik, Luis, Charles, Mike, and Jeff at NEW ENGLAND'S!!

John Remington - 03/04/99 19:41:44


Jim Geleszinski - 03/01/99 03:18:25
My Email:G138 @AOL.Com
Favorite Wrestler: STASIU of course

You guys are great. Finally Milford has a winning team. Keep going. Good luck

Stasiu - 03/01/99 02:27:19
My Email:Macavelie5@aol.com

Everyone did awsome yesterday at the M.O.C. Especially Louis

Tim + Brenda Dougherty - 02/28/99 20:00:50
My Email:timn100888@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: JEFF SELLARS

Awesome web site. We need an update for the 27th of February. Good luck to all of you always!!!

- 02/25/99 15:22:51


Dennis Biddle - 02/25/99 00:51:31
My Email:dbiddle@iron.net

Congratulations Milford wrestlers and coaches! (I am the former Asst. Coach at Wt. Mtns., 1986-96, now Asst. Coach at Gahanna H.S., Ohio)

GREENLAW - 02/22/99 16:59:05
Favorite Wrestler: LUIS IBERRA and Jeff Sellars-all the way

Wow, what to say, you guys are the best. Wrestling is the only sport with trophies in our case. Keep it up. Congradulations to all you guys you went to the finals and also for those that didn't.

emily shaw - 02/16/99 02:10:31
My Email:hunny2722@aol.com


- 02/16/99 02:04:34

We did awsome last weekend, but need everyone healthy and ready to go for I's

- 02/16/99 01:25:09


Corie Felton - 02/16/99 01:11:56
My Email:Peach4894@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: I Love Them ALL!

HMMM i think you all are really nice boys from who i have talked and hung out with. You were there when I needed to have a good time.

Rosemary DeAngelis - 02/13/99 12:43:53
My Email:rcdrgd@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Erik

Lou You did a great job on this web page.

- 02/12/99 04:23:31


Sean Greenlaw - 02/11/99 22:15:15
Favorite Wrestler: Little G

Luis, your the man, you've done a great job with this website. Keep building on it.

- 02/11/99 02:46:03


Bev Elmer - 02/11/99 02:23:25
My Email:msprim101
Favorite Wrestler: yes!

I'm proud to be a wrestling mom,and am thankful to have had the opportunity to watch these young men grow up. They're all very special to me. They will always have a place in my life. Some, more than others. Thank you, LGI, my friend. BE :o)

Dennis Vigneau - 02/10/99 14:32:22
My Email:dennis.vigneau@gecapital.com
Favorite Wrestler: Erik DeAngelis

Way to go Erik! Keep us informed on your progress.

Jan Burkhardt - 02/10/99 13:11:20
My Email:Burkhardt4@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: all

Nice website and a great job so far this year! Keep up the good work! Mrs B.

Jan Burkhardt - 02/10/99 13:09:41
My Email:Burkhardt4@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: all

Nice website and a great job so far this year! Keep up the good work! Mrs B.

- 02/10/99 02:07:20
Favorite Wrestler: brumy,stashu,luis,and that big blake and chuck is cool to


gregg - 02/10/99 01:59:48
Favorite Wrestler: hollywood hogan or ummm....stashu yeah he's da man alright


Stasiu - 02/10/99 01:30:28

SPLADLES SUCK, Don't get caught in 'em

Ruth DeAngelis - 02/08/99 20:10:25
My Email:Gorham12@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Erik DeAngelis

Hi; I was at the Wrestling Match at Salem High School in Salem Ma.and was very impressed with the talent of the wrestlers and how well behaved they were. Of course i'm a little partial since Erik is my Grandson. Keep up the good work and I'll be rooting for all of you. Good luck to all. Ruth DeAngelis

Ellen Kaczmarek - 02/08/99 15:30:59
My Email:elphilk@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Erik DeAngelis

Keep up the great work Erik. Good luck to Milford High Wrestling Team.

Rick - 02/08/99 02:08:19
My Email:GROUSE26
Favorite Wrestler: Erik

You have a great teem

A wrestler - 02/08/99 01:43:15

If every team in the high school had the dedication, and lovea and respect, like we the werestling team do, we would have no problems. I intend to make all the tams i am on in the next few years at the high school just as close.

John - 02/08/99 01:40:03
My Email:mossflower@hotmail.com
Favorite Wrestler: Erik DeAngelis

Erik is my cousin so I hope you have a lot of luck!

- 02/08/99 01:35:11


Stasiu - 02/08/99 01:30:18
My Email:Macavelie5@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: Chuckie and Jeff

Louie, thank you, this is soo cool. You made the Milford wrestling Family World wide.

- 02/08/99 01:05:29


Stasiu Geleszinski - 02/08/99 01:04:44
My Email:Macavelie5
Favorite Wrestler: Stasiu Geleszinski

Lou this kicks butt

Maria Iberra - 02/06/99 21:57:22
My Email:nexus69@msn.com
Favorite Wrestler: All of them

Good job kids, I love you all, and hope u succseed on all of your tasks

Josh - 02/06/99 01:41:02
Favorite Wrestler: Josh

Charles D, is a great wrestler, Lou I. Is not bad, i am better, but he is good, Eric is awsome too. BYE

Josh - 02/06/99 01:36:00
Favorite Wrestler: Josh Greenwood


Dave Elmer - 02/05/99 03:35:10
My Email:Tickle171
Favorite Wrestler: Dave Elmer

My name is Dave. I think that computers aren't all that great but I have one, which doesn't say much. The only thing I use it for is to write storys and keep in touch with friends and relitves with out actually talking. I can not think of things to say in person very well. Some say I'm a litte slow with comebacks and such. You might have guessed that I'm one of the wrestlers. That would explain my favorite wrestler. Really I'd have to say Glenn Pitslof is my favorite wrestler.(If he ever sees this sorry fo the spelling It's a hard name to spell.) He wrestles for Penn State aslo my favorite collage. He's a great guy and I wish that I had half of his talent. Any way I hope every one that sees this page likes it. Dave Elmer

Ellen - 02/05/99 03:32:03
My URL:I don't have one.
My Email:WERFULS@aol. com
Favorite Wrestler: Luis :-)

Hello boys. I am Luis' friend from Massachusetts.. I just wanted to say Hi. Love- Ellen xoxo

Nikki - 02/05/99 02:43:35
My Email:kiwi428@aol.com
Favorite Wrestler: all of them

this website is awesome, great job!! :)

A Fan - 02/05/99 02:42:34
My Email:None
Favorite Wrestler: All of them

The best team in the world!

Luis (Again) - 02/05/99 01:32:55
My URL:Dont have one
My Email:nexus69@msn.com
Favorite Wrestler: Its still me

This is the best site in the entire world!!!!!

Charles Danhor - 02/05/99 01:00:55
My E-Mail:No1wrasler@aol.com
My Favorite Wrestler:Luis "the Argentinian animal" Iberra

This is the best damn page on the web. But it should have more records and stuff like that, and more action photos. Besides that it's awesome.

Luis Garcia Iberra - 02/04/99 23:54:45
My E-Mail:nexus69@msn.com
My Favorite Wrestler:Luis

You guys are awsome, keep it up

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