My Coaches and Gyms
Dick Mulvihill
Linda Methany-Mulvihill
Craig Bayer
Greg Noach
Rollers Gym Club
Hellienc School
Mount Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe
Dick Mulvihill has coached over 2000 state, regional, national, and internatioanl champions. A number of USA Olympians come from his gym. He and his wife Linda own NAAG.
Linda is a 3 time Olympian, a balance beam coach for the USA national team, and a brevet judge.
Craig has been my bars and sometimes vault coach since my first season of level 7.  He is a great spotter on everything!
J.T was my coach for my second season of level 6.  He really improved me on the bars.  I went form getting sixes to getting eights! He really believed in his girls!
Greg was the first gymnastics coach that I had when I started to train seriously.  He was a great coach, and he taught me the basics of gymnastics. He was a bronze medalist at the 1991 All Africa Games.
Erasmus was a Zimbabwe gymanst that was in my mom's science classes.  He was my first coach after my mom coached me.  He was a bronze medalist in the 1991 All Africa Games
Erasamus Garakara
Khumbulani is a vault expert. He has coached me in Zimbabwe and USA.  He was Zimbabwe National Champion, gold, silver and bronze medalist in African competitions in different events, and Zimbabwe team captain
Galen Lee
Galen helped to coach me at level 5
Rollers Gym Club,  Zimbabwe
Umpqua Valley Gymanstics,  Oregon
The Gym Academy
Prince Edward School
Harare, Zimbabwe
Khumbulani Moyo
Karim Othmani
Gym Centre
Harare, Zimbabwe
Karin was my coach in Johannesburg, South Africa during the All Africa Games.  He is the coach of the Zimbabwe women's national team.  He won many medals in the 1995 All Africa Games
Dick and Linda Muvihill