News and Rumors in the IHWF:


CEO Atomic Mass speaks to the press

The room is packed with reporters, abuzz of the news centering in Chicago. Rumor has it that CEO Atomic Mass, owner of the IHWF, has news pertaining to perhaps the reopening of this once outstanding federation. Cameras flash on as the doors open and out walks...

Ladies and Gentlemen of the press...please be seated.

With that, the conglomerate of press sit down, taking in what appears to be a site for sore eyes. There standing in front of them is none other than the Atomic Mass..minus at least two hundres pounds!!

Atomic Mass: I've called this session today to clear up a few rumors that have been flying around this city for the past couple of weeks. For the past two years, the IHWF has been a dormant seed, spawned from a flower that rose past its prime beyond anyones wildest imaginations. The IHWF was the center of media frenzy, the icon of this great city of Chicago, and most importantly, the heart of every fan nationwide.

The press nods in agreement, many remembering their stash of IHWF figurines...

Atomic Mass: But when the IHWF finally fizzled, it struck me hard. For I had spent almost my entire career in this federation...working my way from the very bottoms to taking the highest position available. And I've watched others work as hard. Several of my men have moved on, spreading their talents elsewhere, in hopes of furthering their roots.

And as I watched my once great federation crumble to pieces, I wasn't necessarily saddened, but disappointed. In a way, I felt I had not only failed the IHWF, but the fans, the nation, and truly myself. So, during the past two years, I've began refocusing..with one goal in my mind...

Reporters from the crowd begin to yell something about reopening the IHWF...

Atomic Mass: I'll get to that in a second...My goal was to form something that not only would be considered a success, but would achieve the hopes and dreams of everyone involved. And I believe it hasn't been done yet...But I had to find a focus..and that was myself. I worked day in and day out, working out to lose this excess gluttony, to achieve my Master's Degree in Business Administration, and finally, to achieve everyone's dream.

Mass asks a man behind him to hand him a stack of papers...Mass holds the papers high in the air, showing them off to the world...

Atomic Mass: In my hands, I hold 25 blank contracts that will perhaps fulfill my dream. These contracts are for those that want to be a part of my dream. For those that perhaps want to live out their dream. I'm demanding that my old crew come back..hell, I would love to see new blood. But to every single wrestler out there, this is your opportunity..this is your chance.

The reporters are going crazy, asking a million questions at once...Mass reaches into the pockets of his coat..pulling out a sweet, delicious yellow snack

Atomic Mass: Like I've always said, old habits are the hardest to break. Let the IHWF live once more, and help to carry out my dreams!!!

With that, Atomic Mass leaves the press room, a smile on his face that couldn't be matched.

IHWF Reporter:

Chip Watchman
