This form is rather long, sorry for the inconvenience, but it's all worth it.

Please note the following:

  • Please do not use the names of real wrestlers. Be original!!
  • You really don't have to fill in everything in detail. Just enough to work with also feel free to tell a story line and we may use it.
  • If you want to make any changes at a later date, then simply email CEO Atomic MassorPresident Chris Weatherford with the changes and we will have your profile updated.


Email Address:(Required)

MSN or Yahoo Messenger:(Please specify which!!)

Wrestler's Name:

Wrestler's BirthDate(M/D/YY):

Height(ft'in"):(max height is 7'7")


Hometown (ex: Austin, Texas):

Theme music (title and artists/s):

URL of Wrestler's Pic(If you want one for you bio!!):

Character(How he appeals to the fans):

Manager:(If so, name and will he aid his comrade when needed??

The next three are a very important part of the application. Please fill this out very thoroughly. This is a big factor to you getting accepted or not....especially the background of your character!

Appearance(What he wears during his intro and what he wears as he wrestles):

Gimmick(What statement is your wrestler trying to make in the IHWF??):

Background(The history behind your wrestler...describe past achievements, other feds, how he got into wrestling, etc)

Wrestling Style


Weapon of Choice:

Favorite Moves:(Each Wrestler has a sort of moves that he usually performs during the length of a match. If you would, please list your ten most likely moves you will perform...and please, be realistic!!)

Move One:

Move Two:

Move Three:

Move Four:

Move Five:

Move Six:

Move Seven:

Move Eight:

Move Nine:

Move Ten:

Set-Up Move:

Finishing Move:

Description of Events (Describe what goes down from the execution of the set-up move to the actual winning of the match. If your move is similiar to that of a pro wrestler's, make sure you add that bit in!! Don't be lack on details!!):

Now that you have the sign-up sheet done, its time to head over to the IHWF arena and show the other men what you are all about!! Now, let me remind you of one thing...THIS ISN'T REAL!!! It's for fun and let's keep it that way. Some people take this a little to seriously and I like to keep those people on alert!!


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