Chance & Missey Mouse
Fun Facts:
Chance is a male, part chow. We found him in a brush pile on the side fo the road... he was only about 5 wks old.
Missey is a female , mixed with who knows what , she was orphaned when she was 2 weeks old ... We found her and her 6 brothers and sisters  under our  building at work. We raised her and  the others on a bottle until we could find homes for them.
Email chance or missey!
- Chance Likes :
to come inside and lay on the couch when it rains.

to chase squirrels

to eat poptarts

Missey Likes:
to eat anything ....

to worry chance by bitting
his back legs

to roll in anything that smells bad ..?

Chance Dislikes:
pancakes w/out syrup

taking a bath

being fussed at

thunder storms

Missey Dislikes:

a bath

going to the vet
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Our pets
Chance on Vacation
Missey enjoys napping in the sun