©Copyright 1998 The "Black Dragon Isshinryu Karate Dojo" name was registered and copyrighted in 1979. Contact Web Master: Click Here |
The first Black Dragon Isshinryu Karate Dojo® was established and the dojo name and logo registered in 1979 in Champaign, Illinois by Master Dan Jones and his students. The original Black Dragon Instructors were or are street tested Police Officers. This real life experience was incorporated into the philosophy and instruction and passed down to all Black Dragon Instructors. These Instructors continue in the teaching of traditional Black Dragon Isshinryu Karate. Black Dragon black belts are known for their dedication to karate, their fierce fighting abilities and for their development of mind and body. The Isshinryu style is a street, self-defense martial art, not a sport art. It is based on natural body biomechanics and survival techniques, which is why it is considered one of the deadliest of the martial arts. For more on the Isshinryu style click on the button to the left. Master Jones was the senior student of the late Master Joseph L. Smith. Master Smith studied directly under Isshinryu founder, Grand Master Tatsuo Shimabuku. This lineage of traditional Isshinryu Karate is past down to each Black Dragon student. Tribute to Master Smith
Headquarters |
Newburyport, MA |
Clinton, Illinois |
415 Meadow Rue Dr. |
11 Hale St. |
600 N. Jackson |
Gibson City, IL 60936 |
Newburyport, MA 01950 |
Clinton, IL 61727 |
(217) 784-4389 |
(603) 437-2802 |
(217) 935-3164 |
Farmer City, Illinois |
Wenham, MA |
Hamilton, MA |
116 N. James |
Gordon College 255 Grapevine Rd. |
Hamilton-Wenham Regional High School |
Farmer City, IL 61842 |
Wenham, MA 01984 |
Hamilton, MA 01982 |
(309) 928-2218 |
(978) 465-5786 |
(978)768-6197 |
Sensei Bill Miller |
For class information Click Here.
Master Jones Master Smith Isshin-Ryu O.K.U. Instructors Mizu-Gami Gallery Articles Links Dojo Store Class Times & Locations