<BGSOUND SRC="/ugomea01/">
      Alexandro Gomez


Oct. 16, 2004
Born and raised:
Bakersfield, CA

Lived in:
    Santa Barbara, Palm Springs,
       Beaumont  CA

Now Reside:
East Los Angeles, CA

Pasadena, CA

UC, Santa Barbara
B.S. Microbiology- 2002
Eisenhower Medical Center
CLS -Sept. 2004
Pictures of me
wedding pictures
"Dices bien. Now I know who you are, Bernabe. Eres el ultimo y el primero. The last of a great noble lineage of man I once knew in anchant times, and the first of a new raza cosmica that shall inherit the earth. Your face is a cosmic memory,Bernabe. It reminds me of an intire humanity de tus mismos ojos, tu puel, y tu sangre. They too love la tiera and honor su padre above all else. They were my children. They pierced the human brain and pentrated the distant star and found the hunger that eat of itself. They discover what today only a loco could&nbsp; understand. That life is death and that death is life. Que la vida no vale nada porque vale todo. That you are one so you could be two. Two so you could be four. Then eight then sixteen and on and on til you are millions and billions. Only to return once again to the center and discover NADA. So you fill that empty space with one again, me comprendez Bernabe? Now what power was that."
Luis Valdez