From: "ram_narasimhan1"Date: Sat Oct 12, 2002 8:24 pm Subject: Anand Wins in Round 3 (FIDE WCC) Hi all: Anand secured his first win in the tournament yesterday. He polished off GM Rustam Kasimdzhanov of Uzbekistan, bouncing back after the defeat in the hands of Sashikiran. Remember that there are 6 players in each group. It is all play all, so Anand has to do well in his next two games to qualify for the next round. Once he makes it to the next round, his playing can be expected to stabilize and he will find his footing. For those of you in India, remember to log in at 130p local time, and you can watch the games live over the net. Let' see how things unfold. Ram For those of you interested in following the progress of WGM Koneru Humpy, she has scored 3/3 thus far!