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History of theSchoormans   in Australia

Theo Schoormans was a friend of mine when I was a young member of the Springvale Homing Club. He used to pick me up to go to the club in his truck, and always made sure I had a lift home and I could get to the club for meetings etc.

I always remembered him as a pretty good flyer,he would be always be in the result.

I only raced for two years as a member of the Springvale Pigeon Club due to family problems.But now I have learned since coming back into the sport 4 years ago that Theo Schoormans created and unbeatable strain of racing pigeon, I spotted a sale of some Schoormans birds in the Australian Racing Pigeon Journal, I made it a missoin to go to the sale an obtain a few pairs of the Schoorman strain for our loft, and now we are breeding the Schoorman family and pretty much closely following Theo in the breeding of the birds with the Schoormans being inbred and line bred.

In 1991 Theo Schoormans had a sale due to ill health and sold most of his top birds here is an extract from the catalogue that Theo wrote in the introduction.

"A Bit About Myself"
"I was looking forward to racing in the 1991 season,building a new loft to where I felt was a better position. Unfortunately, as a result of continuous ill health I am forced to part with yearlings,all in tip-top condition.

I have been racing pigeons over the last ten years. In that time I have built up what I feel is one of the best family of birds.

In the initial years of racing, I was just a flyer and spared no expense and obtained some excellent birds from the likes of top flyers such as Graeme Wolf, Noel Barnes,Ivan Smith and Bill Kingham. From these birds I bred some youngsters and instant results were achieved.

In the last four years,I have achieved the recognition of being one of the leading flyers in the V.H.A.,obtaining 54 Fed positions,including two young bird aggregates,one ols bird aggregate and one combined Also, I hold the current V.H.A.record for the most federation positions in one year (19) in 1987.

My birds have excellent blood lines and are well proved in racing and breeding.

"Winners breed Winners".

Yours in the sport Theo J Schoormans."

Theo recorded 5 First federations and won 4 V.H.A. Aggregregates.

The Foundation of the Scoormans are these Three birds.

The "Kingham Hen"VHA - 80 - 14800.Sire "The Bookaloo Kid"BCPC VHA - 75 - 29240 1st Fed Cock.600Mile.Besson Harrison G/Sire BCC VHA 67 - 50011 Besson Harrison Produced 1st and 2nd federation.DAM:Double fed Hen BBH VHA 76 13730 2nd fed 500 mile 20th Fed 300 Mile Phar Lap Harrison,Lang Mileer Putman.G/Sire 'Pipey'VHA 7423049'Josey'BBH VHA 74-23030. This hen is the foundation of theos loft she was his biggest hn assetShe produced 6 Fed positions directly,is the Dam of "The Frill" and her family of breeding would have to be accredited to at least 40 fed positions in Theos loft.


Schoormans from I & A Fonti Lofts


This is one of our Schoormans Hens

The breeding of this hen is:Sire:VHA-90-06567DAM:VHA 90-06408G/Sire:VHA82-23565BCC"The Frill"G/Dam:VHA85 Jurion Hen Bred down from "The Pencil Cock" This hen is a producer this year we get to test her youngsters in the distance.So Far all youngsters have performed well.This hen has raced Barringun 600 Miles.

"The Frill"Blue Cheq Cock VHA -82-23565 Sire VHA 79-46831 Meehan Cock(O'Meal)Bred by Graeme Wolf Dam VHA 80--14800 Kingham Hen.This Bird was the producer for Theo he argued that it was the best producing bird in Australia.His sons all produced winners Theo raced this bird for the whole of the 1983 season,including 4,5,and 600Miles.This particular bird was never clocked ,he just plodded along.Theo then put him into stockbecause he handled so well and was well bred.That was the best decision Theo ever made in his breeding."The Frill bred 13 fed positions including 3 first fed winners,two double fed hens and a double fed cock.These birds bred consistent fed positions. To have a bird from him or his sons/daughters is an asset to any loft.
More Photos of our Schoormans Coming Soon "Pencil Cock"Blue Bar CockVHA -78-2118 This bird was given to Theo by Frank Bevenuto who was another great VHA Flyer The Breeding is Delaney Jusrion.The Pencil family is mentioned in mumerous sale catalogues as Top producing families.Frank gave this bird to Theo in 1980,he was never flown and put into stock.His produce is on Par to "The Frill".The Birds bred down from him are excellent hard day pigeons.He bred 10 fed positions for Theo including 3 double Fed hens.The family as a whole in Theos loft obtained 28 Fed positions. These Schoormans pigeons in our loft have bred some fantastic performers especially in hard day races and at distances of 300 to 700 Mile they are an asset to our lofts and particularly cross well with the Harrisons and Wickhams.



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