Welcome |
Photos |
to the new site, for I & A Fonti Lofts. We have been designing
Racing Pigeon sites for alot of clubs and
individuals, and thought it was about time to
introduce ourselves to the WWW.
We finally took some photos of our

Ivan & Amanda Fonti
Our site is still Under
Construction,but we have managed to take some
photos of our Favourite birds in our Loft You can find
the first photos on this site under the Our
favourite birds link
Photo Above:Some of our
race team for the 2001season in the unit, ready
to be tossed.
Proud member of the
SiteRing by Bravenet.com

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is what a pigeon sees when flying Home from a
the unit for training Race team 2001 for Melton.

One of our first birds when we
started. Red Chequer Harrison Cock.

Ivan Fonti in
1980 when he was a member of the Springvale
Racing Pigeon Club & the VHA.Holding One of
his then Winners. 21 years later he is back into