Jon's Homepage
    I welcome you to my homepage and appreciate your visit. This page is pretty basic because I am a newbie when it comes to creating homepages. However, I hope you enjoy this.
     As for a little information on myself, I graduated from Rutgers College in 1996 and did some post bac and graduate studies for the following two years. I then worked full time at
Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital for the first four months and at Merck Medco Managed Care for the next eight months.
     As of May 21, 2003, I have graduated and have earned my DO from NYCOM. I will now be doing my transitonal year internship at
Union Hospital and Saint Barnabus Medical Center. In July 2004, I will be heading out to New York Medical College for a residency in Anesthesiology. God has been indeed faithful.
My Medical School Alma Mater
My Undergraduate Alma Mater
My Faith
My church  at school
My church in NJ
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