Cormac's Cool Stuff Catalogue

Sunderland Football Club

Sunderland AFC

Sunderland AFC Links

Mr Sorensen
(To the tune of Mrs Robinson’)
So here’s to you Tommy Sorensen,
Sunlund loves you more than you could know,
What’s that you say, Tommy Sorensen?
We’re in heaven every time you play,

click to see full pic click to see full pic click to see full pic

Boston Celtics

The Celtics have started the '99/2000 season well and look to add to the legend of Celtic pride with players like Paul Pierce and Vitaly Potapenko (both pictured below). Follow their year at the official site or on the excellent USA today sports pages.


VR Baseball 99

Totally kick ass game by the good folk at VR sports...

Easily the best baseball playstation game I've played, great game play, graphics etc..lots of cool features, the stadiums look great and I could almost swear the crowd started chanting 'Yankees suck' during one of my 'RedSox v Yankees' showdowns.........