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Attention Everyone

In case you've not heard by now, Droz did indeed suffer a very severe neck injury during his match on October 5,1999 against D'Lo.

It's not too late to send a get well card to him. If you would like to send get well wishes to him here's the address:

Darren Drozdov

c/o WWF

1241 East Main St.

Stamford, CT 06902

(Credit goes out to Lords of Pain for the address)

And everyone here at Droz-A-Palooza is pulling for Droz and hopes he has a speedy recovery.

Hello and welcome to Droz-A-Palooza. Look around and don't forget to have fun.

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Ah Droz, how I love thee. Find out exactly why with my Top 10 reasons to love Droz

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    I'm quite honored that I received this award. Thank you very much Hellfire.

    Well, lookee here, I've adopted Droz and Prince Albert. And I'm as proud as any mother could be of my two "boys"!

    To adopt your own wrestler, click here.

    All questions, comments, love letters and hate mail should be sent here

    Or if you really, really, really need to get ahold of me and don't want to wait for an e-mail response, I have Bravenet Messenger. My ID is Daria53180, so if you send me and instant message, I'll get to you ASAP!

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    Disclaimer:This is an un-official fan site. I am not affiliated with Droz or the WWF in any way shape or form. And I am definately not Droz (obviously you know this by reading my bio).