Ormondville Rail Preservation Group Inc.

Irregular news reports of activities and developments at the Station

Home Page - Bed & Breakfast - Souvenirs


February 2004: Due to the big storm of 15-16 February 2004, the 'Pea, Pie & Spud Run' steamtrain excursion planned for 21 February 2004 as part of the Brebner Print Art Deco Weekend at Napier, is cancelled due to washouts throughout the rail network caused by this storm. However, ORPG is instead participating in a substitute event (minus train) at Napier.


July 2003: Photos etc. on the Art Deco Express appear elsewhere on this website. It was an amazing event - and is going to be repeated. Members received a video version of 'The Station Platform' as a result - many thanks to Tom Williamson.


January 2003: At present ORPG Inc. is anticipating a large-scale catering job on the evening of 15 February 2003 when some 400 people will arrive aboard a steam train as part of the Art Deco weekend celebrations in Napier. This is a 'pea pie and 'pud (with gravy) dinner in the old railways tradition. For around an hour Ormondville station will be a mad house, but hopefully all will go well - or at least like it did in the olden days when trains stopped at stations for meals.

Other work currently being progressed are our many huts and our water vat. Five of our huts are set up as accommodation, although not all are for hiring to guests, while another can be slept in by those content to endure the basics (i.e. its water tight). The vat's first legs went in on 11 January, but with quite a few more to go. Photos below were taken 11 January 2003.

The Matahiwi and Kopua huts on their new permanent location alongside the outside toilet. These are regularly used for accommodation by guests at the station, but are not loaned out separately from the station. They have twin beds.

Two ORPG staff huts, hut names variable! These are mounted on wagons

Two more huts presently being worked on. The closer one only requires exterior work now.

The water vat as at 11 January 2003

Last Updated: 20/2/2004

Background Set: Shawna's Graphics