Ormondville Rail Preservation Group Inc. Souvenirs & Products
Visits to the Station with a local as guide: Charges are $2.00 per head, with a minimum payment required of $10.00. Please contact any of the following to arrange your visit: Gary (Ormondville) email or phone (06) 374-1804, or our B&B hostess (across the road from the station on (06) 374-1514 or Gordon (Makotuku) (06) 374-1719 - or email us. Unassisted visits to the station (exterior only) may be undertaken at no charge, but please remember that this is a working railway line and that trains may pass at any time.
Catering (for visiting Groups): Refreshments, lunches, range of products and prices to suit your needs. By prior arrangement only
Interpretive Slide Show (for visiting Groups): This slide show places Ormondville Station into its historical and social context, as well as outlining its restoration. It is available at NZ$4.00 per head. By prior arrangement only
Books: Please email for further information. From the Station Platform Containing 60 A4 printed pages, this book presents articles, historical and recent, which were edited and written by Paul Mahoney for The Station Platform, the newsletter of the Ormondville Rail Preservation Group. Presented like a picture book, it has 40 historic photographs and illustrations, principally about Ormondville, the people who have lived there, the railway station and the trains that stopped by. Cost: (when available) Members' Price = NZ$20.00 each, plus $2.00 pp. (within NZ) Non-member price = NZ$25.00 each, plus $2.00 pp. (within NZ)
Newsletters: The Station Platform is the official newsletter of the Ormondville Rail Preservation Group Inc. It is published up to four times a year and contains a range of historical information surrounding the station, as well as general information. It is distributed to all members of ORPG Inc. Beeline is a brief reminder memo/activity sheet that is issued to committee members and those who regularly attend working bees up to eight times a year. Paid-up membership of ORPG (NZ$25.00 pa) is the primary means to obtain either of these newsletters.
Mugs: These feature a sketch of Ormondville Station, and are on sale at NZ$10.00 each, plus post and packaging. Please inquire regarding postage etc., as this obviously depends on the destination. They are also available at the station.
Postcards: These (below) open out to permit a letter- writing area of approx. 15 cm x 21 cm. The picture portion, featuring the station building in 2000, measures approx. 15 cm x 10.5 cm. The postcards cost $2.00 each, including envelope. They may be purchased at the station, or posted upon receipt of the appropriate sum and a suitably-sized stamped, self-addressed envelope. Orders to: ORPG, c/- Ormondville Railway Station, R.D. 7, Dannevirke, New Zealand, or inquire by email.
Brochure: Free, upon receipt of a stamped, self-addressed envelope, to ORPG, c/- Ormondville Railway Station, R.D. 7, Dannevirke, New Zealand, or by collection at the station or at other local tourism information outlets. Some Commemorative Envelopes from the 1997 Official Opening are also still available from another local supplier. |