Important Message For Club Members
The Season Has Started!! Remember To Contact Your Patrol Captains For Your Patrol Rosters. I Will Put Them On Here As Soon As I Get A Copy) msgWindow.document.write ("

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Whangamata SLSC Home PNZ Lifeguards Logo
Important Notice To Members
Please check with Patrol Captains for your patrol dates
Welcome to the Whangamata Surf Lifesaving Club (W.S.L.S.C). We are a non profit organisation working towards ensuring the safety of swimmers on Whangamata Beach. The club provides volunteer and or professional lifeguards on Whangamata Beach every weekend between Labour Weekend (End Oct.) and Easter Weekend (Mid Apr.). The club also provides professional lifeguards during the week from mid December till mid February, depending on school holidays. We also provide training for lifeguards and the public.

This Page has been designed with visitors and members in mind. Some of the information on these pages is for lifguards and members, however, much of it will be of interested to visitors.

This site is stillunder construction. If you have any suggestions about what you would like included then contact me.
  Whangamata SLSC would not be able to carry out its duties in full without the assistance of our sponsors. We are grateful to the following companies for their help.
Power New Zealand

Contact the person who threw this site together at

Visitors To This Site Since 20 Jan 1999

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