Our wedding will take place at Holmeswood Baptist Church on
Saturday, May 17, 2003
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon


We are honored that Janet's undergraduate piano professor, Dr. Michael Rickman, will be playing music at the ceremony. The handbell chorus from Holmeswood will also be providing the music for her entrance.


A reception will immediately follow the ceremony at

Cadillac Catering in downtown Kansas City.
It takes 20-25 minutes to travel from the church to the reception hall.


The reception will be in a coctail party atmosphere with lots of scrumptious food, and we are excited that everyone will get to mix and mingle!!

Seating will be available, and there will be traditional dances as well.


We have reserved hotel rooms near the church as well as near the reception hall.


We are very excited to be getting married as well as to be able to share it with all of our friends and family!!



Contact Information
Church Location
Reception Location
Wedding Information
Hotel Information
Our Story

Last updated 03/18/2003