GLW World Heavyweight Title *************************** WON BY: WON FROM: LOCATION: DATE: # OF DAYS: *************************************************************************** Masato Tanaka Deadly Draw Chicago, IL 1/26/01 Current {1} FOOTNOTES: ********** {1} This was the 30-man Deadly Draw match won by Masato Tanaka, lastly eliminating Indiana Kidd. Jr. GLW Midwestern Title ******************** WON BY: WON FROM: LOCATION: DATE: # OF DAYS: *************************************************************************** Doc Dean Battle Royal Chicago, IL 1/13/01 30 days {1} Mark Schrader Brian Adias Chicago, IL 2/10/01 13 days {2} Doc Dean [2] Mark Schrader Chicago, IL 2/23/01 Current FOOTNOTES: ********** {1} This was a 10-man battle royal won by Doc Dean, lastly eliminating Brad Armstrong. {2} Doc Dean was "injured" and couldn't wrestle, so President Ryan Niemiller named Brian Adias as his replacement. GLW World Tag Team Titles ************************* WON BY: WON FROM: LOCATION: DATE: # OF DAYS: *************************************************************************************************************** The Headhunters Ace Darling/Devon Storm Chicago, IL 1/6/01 49 days {1} Scott Armstrong/Steve Armstrong The Headhunters Chicago, IL 2/24/01 7 days Ace Darling/Devon Storm Scott Armstrong/Steve Armstrong Chicago, IL 3/3/01 28 days Jesse James Armstrong/Ken Shamrock Ace Darling/Devon Storm Chicago, IL 3/31/01 Current FOOTNOTES: ********** {1} 4-team Tournament Final. GLW Television Title ******************** WON BY: WON FROM: LOCATION: DATE: # OF DAYS: ***************************************************************************** Indiana Kidd Jr. Juventud Guerrera Chicago, IL 1/13/01 35 days {1} Pierre Oulette Indiana Kidd Jr. Chicago, IL 2/17/01 34 days Colorado Kid Pierre Oulette Chicago, IL 3/23/01 1 day {2} Flash Flanagan Colorado Kid Chicago, IL 3/24/01 Current FOOTNOTES: ********** {1} 8-man Tournament Final. {2} This was a 30-minute Iron Man Match in which Colorado Kid won 3 falls to 2.