Welcome to the home of Great Lakes Wrestling, a regional TNM-wrestling () federation originating out of Chicago, Illinois. The GLW holds cards throughout the entire Midwest, including Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. This page will be updated after every supercard. For more information, follow the links below.
Here we go... the big updates begin! All of the cards are posted, as well as all the rankings and title histories. Pretty much everything has been updated. If you have any links you would like put on this page, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
What's New
All the cards to date up in the Card Results Section
Singles & Tag Team Rankings Posted
Titles Histories Posted
Current Champions section updated
The Next Supercard page updated
If you have any comments, suggestions, random thoughts, or links that you would like on this page, e-mail me at niemillr@coral.indstate.edu and I will see what I can do.