welcome TO

italiano azzurro's HOME PAGE


Welcome to the home page of Italiano Azzurro, if you have not noticed yet, I'm Italian (and obviously proud of it!). The inspiration for the making of this website came from my admiration for Italian soccer, cars and woman (in no particular order). So I decided to dedicate my website to each of my favourite of these three things, which I'm honoured to say are:

F.C. Internazionale Milano

Ferrari ____&

Linda Evangelista

So, I hope you enjoy your stay!



"Take a big step back. What do you see? Lights? Stars? Aliens? You'd better believe it, this is far out! " (L.Marion - Founder and creator of this exquisite masterpiece)


You are visitor number since April 1st 1998








NB. Some of the information and pictures that you will see on this website have been borrowed out of total respect but without permission from various places on the internet. My site has not been created for any commercial purposes and if you think that I've infringed some kind of copyright law, tell me where the problem is and I'll see to it.


Contacting Me:



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