Tip of the Month


During the month of March high water and flooding become the main concern for our dive team personnel and the public should also become aware.

Heavy rains can cause quick flash flooding covering roadways and low plain areas.

When heavy rains occur everyone should be aware of these conditions and never atempt to drive across a roadway covered in water or cross a low plain area on foot. A very small amount of current can sweep a vehicle away easily. If a vehicle can be moved so easily, a person moves quicker.

At this time of the year, we still have to be concerned with falling temperatures. Temperatures could drop again early in the season, low enough to be below freezing. Ice on lakes and ponds becomes amother concern to us. Due to the flucuating temperatures the ice could be thin and not able to handle the weight of a small child, let alone your pet. Do not go on the ice unless you are sure it is at least four to five inches thick. If one of your friends or pets falls through the ice,"DO NOT GO OUT ONTO THE ICE AND TRY TO HELP THEM, STAY ON THE BANK", have 1 person stay there and talk to them or call the pets name and have someone else go for help. DO NOT TRY TO GO IN AND HELP! There will be not one victim but now we have at least two. Plus there is no one to get help. Never go near the ice by yourself, always have friends with you in case there is a problem. They always say to travel in pairs, we say to travel with at least three or more. Please e-mail us with your comments or suggestions. We are always open to improving our site for the benefit of the public.

Commander Tenison

See related stories:

4/21/97, 6/25/97, 10/19/98, 7/30/93