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Updated 03/19/2000

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The Mid-Missouri Search and Rescue Dive Team is an all volunteer team serving all Counties in the St. Louis, Missouri area and is registered as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit, public service corporation.
The Team was established after the floods of 1993 in St. Louis, Missouri, where many of the members were involved in securing the Propane Tank Farm located in South St. Louis spending twelve days, twenty-four hours a day, on the scene. See "Team Calls" for further details. They gathered after the event and decided that there was a need for a team that was fully trained in all aspects of SCUBA Diving.
The Team consists of members ranging from : Volunteer and Full-time Fire Fighters, EMTs, Law enforcement personnel from several city and county agencies, and other people from all walks of life.
The Team had its first meeting in September of 1993, with twenty charter members, and covered three counties. Those counties were; Franklin Co., Gasconade Co., and Jefferson Co. Today the team has expanded to twenty five members serving ten counties. Some of the counties have joined with another non-profit team in the northern part of Missouri.
The team they have joined is a well recognized Search and Rescue Dog Team and with these added personnel of divers, help round that team out. We are still working with those counties who moved to the other non-profit team of Central States Search and Rescue. With all of the dive teams having the same training throughout the state, allows us to work together under the same guidelines and techniques.
The Team is composed of three Board of Directors, Team Commander, Vice-Commander, Secretary, Treasurer, Team Safety Officer, two Training Officers, seven Zone Commanders, seven Safety Officers, Divers, and Line Tenders.
The Team operates on Standard Operating Guidelines (S.O.G.s) and the Incident Command System (I.C.S.)
The Team is strict on training through-out the year, requiring annual skills reviews and for each diver to maintain at least twenty hours of bottom time per year. Ninety-five percent of the members are Advanced Scuba Diver Certified or higher and twenty percent are Cavern, Night, Deep and Rescue Certified.
Our mission is to train with and provide assistance to other Dive Teams, Fire Departments and Law Enforcement Agencies (Local, State, and Federal) in search and rescue or recovery situations as called upon.
We achieved our goal which was to have a team of the highest qualified divers in the state. All our team members are dedicated to becoming the best, not only in Missouri, but through-out the country.
Our divers are on call twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. In 1997 we responded to thirty-five calls ranging from recovery of drowning victims, vehicle recoveries and evidence recovery.
The Team worked with TV Station Channel 30 and The Missouri State Water Patrol on a Public Safety Message.
We also provided training to Fire Departments , EMTs and Police Officers in Search and Recovery Techniques, Water Rescue,Ice Rescue (Surface Support) and Watercraft Operation and to the Public in Water Safety.
The Team is divided into five zones:

Zone Zone Commander Safety Officer
1.Boles Steve Boyher Andy Doorack
2.Sullivan Jason Hovelman Steve Kimker
3.High Ridge &
Tom Lenhart Allen Cope
Robert Dunn Matt Piles
5.Potosi Robert Worthen Open

We will respond to any location requesting our assistance.

Zones are dispatched by the 911 Emergency Services

Dispatcher serving that area, or by Team and Zone Commanders as needed.

Our services are available to whom-ever may need them.
Emergency services are provided free of charge.
There may be a small fee for training services.

In order to provide these services we are supported by membership dues, training service fees, and by private donations from individuals or corporations. Team Members donate their time, equipment, fuel cost and training cost.

If your organization is interested in hearing a presentation about the dive team at your next gathering, or If you are interested in joining this team,


Andrew Doorack :
Robert Dunn :
Tony Follett :
Tim Tenison :
Jim Daniels :
Gary Goede :
Steve Boyher :
Andy Doorack :
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Vice Commander
Training Officer

The page will be maintained by the Mid-Missouri SAR Dive Team members.
Do not use any images without permission.

Any suggestions are comments please email Tim Tenison, or Jim Daniels, Tony Follett.

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Our Thanks to past and present Supporters



  • Aqua Lung U.S. Divers Professional Operations (training)

  • B & D Metals 5980 St. Louis Ave. St.Louis, Mo. (donation)
  • Bellefontaine Neighbors (meeting room and use of pool)
  • Boles Fire Protecton District (support, equipment and meeting area)
  • Eureka High School Eureka, Mo. (use of pool for training)
  • Gateway Ambulance 911 Holly Hills St.Louis, Mo. (meeting room)
  • High Ridge Fire Dept. (support and meeting area)
  • Hussmann Corporation 12999 St.Charles Rock Rd. Bridgeton,Mo. (donation)
  • Jason Ray Web-Designs (Donation of time to set up this site)
  • Jims' Diving (training and equipment)
  • J&W Cycles Highway 47
    Washington, Mo. (use of wet bikes)
  • Kiwanis of West County (donation)
  • Meramec Caverns Stanton, Mo. (donation)
  • Pacific Lumber Company 625 S 4th Street Pacific, Mo. (donation)
  • Ramada Hotel-Six Flags Eureka, Mo. (use of pool and facilities)
  • Sam's Club South St. Louis County (equipment)
    St. Charles, Mo. (equipment)
  • Scuba Shop U.S.A. 11728 Baptist Church Rd. St.Louis, Mo. (equipment discounts)
  • St.Charles County Ambulance District (vehicle donation)
  • Sullivan Fire Dept. (support and meeting area)
  • Trigen-St.Louis Energy #1 Ashley Place St.Louis, Mo. (donation)
  • Valley Park Lions Club 1000 St.Louis Ave. Valley Park, Mo. (use of meeting hall)
  • Wanna-be Divers 5917 Starlight Dr. High Ridge, Mo. (training and equipment)
  • Wentzville Fire Dept. (support and meeting area)
  • Uno Corporation Catawissa, Mo. (donation and equipment)

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