The Canadian-Kyshido II Organization

(Iron Monkey Style)


 Work Information

 Hot List

 Contact Information

 Current Projects

 Biographical Information

 Personal Interests

Work Information

Job title:

I work for Eastman Kodak Company as a Bilingual Product Support Specialist in the Digital & Applied Imaging.

Key responsibilities:

At Kodak I explain the intricacies on how to use Digital Products as well as explain to people how to interface them with all operating systems, Win 95 - XP and Macintosh Computers. These Digital Products consist of Cameras, Inkjet Media, CD Media and print@Kodak. 

Department or workgroup:

Kodak - D & AI

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Hot List:

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Contact Information:

Electronic mail address

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Current Projects:

Web page:

I'm currently compiling information on my life long ambition, Martial Arts, in order for others to familiarize themselves with its origins, philosophies and standards.  More specifics about Kyshido coming in the near Future.

Personal Development:

I'm constantly working on my attitudes, perceptions and good will to further my development.  I'm working out.  I'm doing research on health, nutrition and muscle building to improve and maintain my body, mind and soul.  Hopefully the knowledge that I gain can be shared with others who are endeavouring to improve themselves.

I'm also studying to improve my knowledge in the computer field.  I'm currently studying to obtain my A+ certification.  Afterwards I will start studying for my MCP & MCSE.  I also intend to study programming, Java and HTML.  Basically I would like to know as much as I can about computers.

Assisted information.

I openly extended all invitations to others interested in sharing their experiences, opinions and/or suggestions on Physical, Mental and Spiritual development.  I also extend my willingness to help, guide or assist anyone in their own development.

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Biographical Information:

I first started Martial Arts (Kung Fu) when I was 4 years old. Since my mother was studying Kung Fu she decided that I would also learn it. Forced at first, but I developed an interest in it later on. After recognizing that interest my mother gave me the option to study Kung Fu under her Sifu, Larry Labelle, or to study Kyshido under her friend/workout companion, Dave Macdonald.  I chose to study under Dave Macdonald, which led me to years of hard-core Martial Art training.  Now, being an instructor, I can teach others the Art of Kyshido.  I'm constantly looking for potential students who are interested in studying Martial Arts in the Mississauga/Toronto area..

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Personal Interests:

My interests, amongst Martial Arts, include Spiritual Development, Peace and Long Life and the Mending of Mother Earth. And on a more personal note, I'm interested in Computers, Personal Development, Sports, Beautiful Women, Art, Music and Friendship.

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Last Revised: Friday, January 24, 2003 00:38