How to Become a Member School or An Individual Member of The NJCCA

  1. You must be a Public or Private school within the state of New Jersey.

  2. All registration materials must be submitted to the office of our Membership Director by October 20th of that school year.

  3. Membership Dues are as follows: 1st year member school $35, Every year to renew $30; 1st year individual membership $20. Every year to renew $15.

What Your Memberships Entitle You To:

  • A school membership will entitle you to enter up to one team from your school for free at the annual NJCCA State Competition held every March. All non-member schools pay $100 to enter the state competition.

  • A school membership will entitle girls from your team the opportunity to become a member of the NJCCA All-State Team.

  • An individual membership (a coach or advisor), will permit you to have voting rights at the NJCCA Annual Coaches Conference held every May.

  • An individual membership will also enable you to run for any open position on the Executive Board of the NJCCA.

Who to Contact:

To obtain membership information, send an email to NJCCA

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