2000 NJCCA 9th Annual Spring Coaches Conference
May 5th-6th, 2000
Forrestal At Princeton Hotel and Conference Center
Princeton, NJ

Featured Speakers

Greg Webb, VP of UCA

Stan Tobar, Coach of Univ Of Arkansas

  • The Conference is open to ALL cheerleading coaches at ALL levels, from around the Tri-State area.

  • Learn from top experts in the field of cheerleading and dance.

  • Gain new ideas in strengthening your cheerleading/dance program

  • Learn new changes in the 2000 Federation Guidelines for cheerleading

  • Become saftey certified through the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Advisors (May 5th) The price for certification is $65 w/out manual, $85 w/manual

  • Participate in a round-table discussion regarding current topics in cheerleading and dance

    Cost: Conference Only (Luncheon Included)
    Member: $100.00 Non-Member: $125.00

    For more information concerning the conference and/or the safety certification, please e-mail us at: NJCCA

    NJCCA Coaches Recognition Award

    The NJCCA will once again recognize outstanding Cheerleading and Dance Coaches across the state. This is a great opportunity for you to let us know what contributions you as coach have made to your cheerleading/dance program, school and community. If you would like to be nominated, please have your athletic director or principal write a brief summary describing your abilities in the following areas:

  • Coaching Effectiveness
  • Commitment to school programs/Athletic teams
  • Appropriate knowledge and development of a Cheer/Dance Program
  • Developing student leadership
  • Community Involvement

    Surf onto our site often to review the names of the nominated coaches. Then after the conference, come back to see who the winners are!