2000 NJCCA 9th Annual Spring Coaches Conference
May 5th-6th, 2000
Forrestal At Princeton Hotel and Conference Center
Princeton, NJ
Featured Speakers
Greg Webb, VP of UCA
Stan Tobar, Coach of Univ Of Arkansas
The Conference is open to ALL cheerleading coaches at ALL levels, from around the Tri-State area.
Learn from top experts in the field of cheerleading and dance.
Gain new ideas in strengthening your cheerleading/dance program
Learn new changes in the 2000 Federation Guidelines for cheerleading
Become saftey certified through the American Association of Cheerleading Coaches and Advisors (May 5th) The price for certification is $65 w/out manual, $85 w/manual
Participate in a round-table discussion regarding current topics in cheerleading and dance
Cost: Conference Only (Luncheon Included)
Member: $100.00 Non-Member: $125.00
For more information concerning the conference and/or the safety certification, please e-mail us at:
NJCCA Coaches Recognition Award
The NJCCA will once again recognize outstanding Cheerleading and Dance Coaches across the state. This is a great opportunity for you to let us know what contributions you as coach have made to your cheerleading/dance program, school and community. If you would like to be nominated, please have your athletic director or principal write a brief summary describing your abilities in the following areas:
Coaching Effectiveness
Commitment to school programs/Athletic teams
Appropriate knowledge and development of a Cheer/Dance Program
Developing student leadership
Community Involvement
Surf onto our site often to review the names of the nominated coaches. Then after the conference, come back to see who the winners are!