Updated: June 2007
This Homepage is brought to you by the ADD/ADHD Family Support Group of Parry Sound, Ontario, Canada and provides information pertaining to Attention Deficit Disorder
Attention deficits are as puzzling and mysterious as they are potentially disabling to a developing child and his or her parents.  Attention Deficit Disorder (A.D.D.) presents with an inability to focus or concentrate.
This attention impairment causes individuals to be easily distracted, poorly organized and often prevents them from achieving full potential. The characteristics of children with ADD include a broad range of behaviours, depending on a child's age and the severity of the attention deficit.

They may also exhibit any of the following:
               free flight of ideas
               difficulty in feeling satisfied
               high activity level
               social immaturity
               mood swings
               performance inconsistency
               memory dysfunction
A child with A.D.D. may display most of the symptoms or very few.  Even a child with the most severe attention deficit may not exhibit all of the symptoms every day.  On good days, he or she could perform perfectly and concentrate well.

The most consistent attribute about these children is their inconsistency.
Children with A.D.D. may not be hard to recognize.  It is estimated that 3% to 5% of elementary and middle school-aged children have A.D.D.  Boys are thought to be about three times more likely to be affected than girls
   If your child is experiencing any of the attention problems mentioned above, you have probably been extremely concerned and perhaps frustrated in your attempts to discipline your child.  It may also have been difficult to enlist help in your efforts to parent your child correctly.  Family members and friends can offer all kinds of suggestions.  Some may even blame you for your child's behaviour.  You may also be accused of "spoiling" your child, or not being "firm" enough with the child
What uninformed people do not understand is how difficult your child's A.D.D. can be and how complicated it can be to try and deal with.  People often fail to understand that 'traditional' child-rearing methods do not work with an A.D.D. child
It is perfectly natural for a parent to wonder if he or she is doing something wrong and if everyone else is right.  It is equally difficult not to take your child's behaviour personally and to believe that the child is doing things to personally upset or embarass you as a parent
Take heart in knowing that you are not alone in these feelings.  Others with A.D.D. children are experiencing the same feelings of anger, anxiety and frustration.  You have taken the first step in finding assistance by reading this web page.
It is not your fault!  A.D.D. is a neurologically-based disorder whose main component is generally believed to be altered brain chemistry
Copyright @ January 1999 - 2007. Webmaster: K Nikischin Special thanks: J. Nikischin. All rights reserved.
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