The Music Page

One of our other main interests is music. Our tastes cover just 
about all styles from ska to classical, heavy metal to bluegrass. 
Between CDs, tapes, LPs, 45s and 78s we have about 6000 to 7000 
recordings. We have never really liked classifying music into 
catigories since most artists crossover at differnet points. We are 
lucky because between our kids and the players we coach they keep us 
up on the current stuff while we introduce them to some of the 
pioneers of music and some of the all time greats.
These are just some images that we have come across on the net. 
They are divided by approx. years with one exeption: the Blues which 
Tim and Beth have been heavily into for the last few years. There is 
also a links page with link to great music sites full of info and 
images. So take a look to see what's new and relive some memories.

The Blues

Current Blues Artists

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Bob Marley

Music Links
