Weekly Tournaments held at all clubs involved with the league every Sunday Night.
Tournamanets are also held at Last Resort on Sunday Nights at 8:00pm if anyone wants to join us. NEW: Last Resort will hold 8-ball Tournament on Saturday Nights at 8:30 $5.00 Entry Fee (House adds $2.00 per player.) Please Call 817- 633-1244 for further information.
9-Ball Tournaments are held every Tuesday Nights at Gonzales Idle Hour. Please Phone (972) 641-2549 for Sign In Time.
Update: New this season to the league Scotch-Doubles
Wednesday Night Scotch-Double
Since this is the first year for the Scotch-Double league there where only a limited number of teams invited to play. Once we see how it goes then we will open this event to anyone interested in joining.
Start up meeting for the 8-Ball league will start in August. We will keep you updated with the dates and time as they arrive.
Las Vegas Nationals Update: I have had many players ask about the requirement to play in the BCA Nationals in Las Vegas. I spoke with David from BCA he said "In the Ladies League any player that intends on playing in Las Vegas must play a minimum of 6 weeks and 40 game." Any player who does not have the required weeks and games are not eligable to play in the BCA Nationals. As for the Sunday Mixed League the requirements are a little higher. A player intending to play in the Nationals in May must play a minimum of 8 weeks and 48 games. If you need any further information please e-mail me your questions I will try to get with you A.S.A.P.
Here is a list of the players who attended the Nationals in Las Vegas May 7t- 14th 1998
Last Resort Lucky LadiesStandings for the Scotch-Double league will be posted after the third week
Team Name Wins Percentage
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