Win95 Updates

Updated 11/20/98

MS Dial-Up Networking (DUN) 1.3

DUN 1.3 offers numerous performance & security improvements for dial-up, remote access and virtual private networking; could be applied to all Win95-based systems. (2.3Mb)

Windows Media Player

Windows Media Player upgrades existing Media Player & Activemovie support, providing convenient access to new Windows Media content and supports various multimedia content such as WAV, AVI, Quicktime, RealAudio 4 and RealVideo 4, MP3. (2.4Mb)

Windows 95 Year 2000 Patch

This patch fixes two-digit expressions of the year in the DIR and DATE DOS commands; Could be applied to all versions of WIN95. (255k)

Year 2000 Patch for File Manager

Contains an updated version of File Manager for Win95 to correct problems displaying dates for files created with a date of 1/1/2000 or later; Could be applied to all versions of Win95 (241k)

Win95 OOB Security Patch

For Win95, Win95 A, Win95B (OSR 2.0 & 2.1); Prevents out-of-band error Internet-based attacks. (257k)



Win95 Gold Original Windows 95 (version 4.00.950)
Win95 A Service Pack 1 Update (version 4.00.950 A)
Win95 B OSR 2.0 and OSR 2.1 (version 4.00.950 B)
Win95 C OSR 2.5 (version 4.00.950 C) {OEM only}

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