Feng Shui Tips


1. Avoid using bonsai trees, since these plants are artificially stunted.

2. Wind chimes and bells are useful in dark corners and long corridors since these attract and invigorate Chi.

3. Carry some orange peel in your pocket when visiting someone in the hospital, the undertakers, or the courthouse.

4. Remove any dead trees or bushes in you garden immediately. This holds true inside the house as well.

5. Avoid putting plants with thorns, most especially at the front of the house. (Roses are not an exception!)

6. Avoid putting a lamp or any source of light on the side of your dominant hand. This should be placed on the side of your other hand.

7. If the entrance door is at your back when sitting in front of the computer, it is recommended that a wide angle mirror is placed somewhere at the top of the monitor. This is to avoid being surprised when someone sneaks up to you when using the computer.

8. Filling up your garden with red and yellow flowers is a good idea.

9. Avoid too dim or too bright lighting (natural or artificial). Dim and strong lighting causes headaches and imposes an uneasy feeling.

10. Remember that every present activity is the result of past activities, and each bears the seed of future ones.


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