Being troubled with aches and pains acquired from using your
home or office PC? Just follow these simple tips and exercises
and you'll be surprised on how long you would last (in using the
PC, of course).
General Rules:
- Take a short break from the PC at least every
- Get up and move around.
- Frequent, short breaks are desirable if your situation
- Rotate your tasks when possible to avoid constant
keyboard work.
- Take mini-breaks as needed to stretch your body and rest
your eyes.
Eye Exercises:
- Blink often to keep your eyes moist and clean.
- Refocus your eyes by looking away from your screen and
focusing on a distant object at least 20 feet away every
10 minutes or so.
- Roll your eyeballs clock and counter-clockwise three
times each to exercise them.
Neck Exercises:
- Release tension in the neck by looking back over the
shoulder while sitting straight up. Hold for ten seconds,
then slowly turn head and look back over the other
shoulder and hold.
- While sitting and looking forward, slowly tilt your head
to the left side. As you feel a good and even stretch,
hold it for ten to 20 seconds. Do not overstretch.
Repeat the same stretch to the right side and then down
toward your chest.
Wrist and
Hand Exercises:
- Hang your arms at your sides and relax. Spread your
fingers until you feel a stretch. Count to five slowly.
Then make a loose fist, bending your fingers at the
knuckles and count to five slowly, again. Relax your
hand. Repeat several times.
- Gently massage wrists and hands to relax muscles and
improve circulation.
Back Exercises:
- Place your right hand on your left shoulder and point
your elbow out in front of you. Place your left hand on
the extended right elbow and push the elbow back toward
you. Hold the stretch for five seconds and repeat with
other arm.
- With your fingers interlaced behind your head, keep your
elbows straight out to the side. Keep your upper body in
a good vertically aligned position. Now pull your
shoulder blades toward each other to create a feeling of
tension through the upper back and shoulder blades. Hold
this position for eight to ten seconds, then relax.
Repeat several times.
- With your left hand reach toward the back of you lower
neck, pointing your elbow up. With your right hand gently
pull your left elbow toward your head until an easy
tension-stretch is felt in your shoulder or back of your
upper arm. Hold comfortable stretch for 30 seconds.
Switch arms/sides.
Shoulder Exercises:
- Relax shoulders by rotating them backwards several times
and then forwards.
- Shoulder Shrig: raise the top of your shoulders toward
your ears until you feel slight tension in your neck.
Hold this position for three to five seconds. Repeat two
to three times.
Important Note:
Be sure to inform your boss and co-workers that you are
actually performing repetative strain injury (RSI) prevention
exercises, especially when doing the eye exercises.
HoopCycles won't be held responsible for people losing their jobs
due to suspected psychological disorders.
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