Todd Fuller's
This page is where I put my money where my mouth is! I bet all the plays I post here and win or lose with my own advice. I will always look for a price, but when the class stands out, there is nothing you can do but bet creatively with the chalk or don't bet at all!
Churchill, 6/5/99 Race 6, 1 1/8 Miles,ALW $43,800. Bet is: $20 Win Bet - (3) Patchen Beauty Summary - Patchen Beauty is coming off a nice third in a 1 1/16 mile race and the distance can only help her with her late run. Look for her to loaf for the first half and then start to pick it up. Jock Deegan, while not a household name, has been riding alot better this year and meet and you can pick up some good odds. She's due for a breakthrough and can get it against this lightweight crowd. Churchill, 6/5/99 Race X, Dis,Cond, Purse. Bet is:. Summary - No bet in the 2nd turf race today, I don't like any of the matchups and anybody could win, so throw a deuce on a price if you want. This page hosted by Get your own Free Home Page