last updated 11/07/00

Hey Good Looking - Indoor Coed Soccer Team Info

Hey Good Looking - Fall 2000

Captain: Joseph. Players: Beth, Carol, Chris, Danny, Debbie, Jeff, John, Liz, Marc, Scott, Shane, and Tara.
Date Time Game Outcome Comments
09/15/00 (Fri) 9:00 Hey Good Looking vs Sorta Won 8-to-1 Way to start our come-back. But I will say that the other team played a girl down. Scorers: .
09/22/00 (Fri) 10:30 Wallbangers vs Hey Good Looking Lost Some how let them win.
09/30/00 (Sat) 7:30 Rastas vs Hey Good Looking Lost Starting out slow with our transition back to indoor. Also short a few players. Scorers: Joseph - 1.
10/06/00 (Fri) 8:15 Hey Good Looking vs Red Hot Chilli Peppers Lost 3-to-4 Played short one player the entire game. We played well the entire game, but we ran out of steam towards the end. It also did not help that the refs were against us also. Scorers: Tara - 1. ??? - 1.
10/14/00 (Sat) 7:30 Anarchy vs Hey Good Looking
10/21/00 (Sat) 6:00 Stadium Cafe vs Hey Good Looking Lost 6-to-0 Played a very good team. I still say we can beat them - so we will see next time.
10/27/00 (Fri) 6:45 Hey Good Looking vs Eclipse Lost 3-to-4 Played a good game. They just slipped a girl goal past us for them to win. Scorers: Tara - 1. xxx - 1.
11/04/00 (Sat) 6:00 Hey Good Looking vs Red Hot Chili Peppers Won 11-to-2 We played great - and we were one player down the entire game. Danny's first game back before he was supposed to come back and he showed us he had not lost it. Scorers: Danny - 3. Marc - 2. Carol - 1. Liz - 2.
11/10/00 (Fri) 6:00 Hey Good Looking vs ???? PLAYOFFS

VIPERS - Outdoor/Mens

Past Seasons - Indoor

Summer I 99

Spring 99

Winter2 98

Fall 98

Summer 98

Spring 98

Winter 98


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