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Guild Charter

Silver Faith was formed to be a group of people who come to Norrath to be with friends, group with friends and experience new things with friends.

We believe that all people should be respected for the person they are, the abilities they have and the different qualities they bring to the guild and to the game. We believe to be respected for ourselves, we must respect others for themselves.

Rules of Conduct:

1. We are all here to have fun.
2. We are all free to make our own decisions.
3. To be respected, we must respect others.
4. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you (that good ole Golden Rule)
5. Support yourself. We are a family, but we are under no obilgation to give you free or discounted equipment or spells. What we offer is from the goodness of the individual's or guild's heart as a whole.
6. Do not come to us looking for power leveling.
7. The anon flag prevents us from being able to group with other members of our family and therefore is not to be used. We prefer you do not hide yourself, but if it becomes necessary, we prefer the /roleplay command instead.
8. When a guild meeting is called, you are expected to attend unless real life prevents this. We always hold our meetings in the chat channel. Instructions will be posted with the meeting date and time.
9. Be of kind heart, help others. BUT do not be a sucker. Being a good person does not mean you have to allow others to abuse you.
10. As a guild, we raid tw0 times a week for quests and for fun. Please work with us to help the raid be successful.
11. If a raid is planned, please do your best to attend. Raids are not mandentory but your help is very much needed!
12. If you disgrace the guild in any way, after an investigation is done, if it is found that you have disgraced our family name, you will be asked to remove yourself or you will be removed. This does not give you the right to try to smear our name. As a member of this guild, you agree to these rules. You have no excuse for going against them. Your actions reflect upon this guild as a whole. It is not just you who looks dishonorable, but the entire guild. We will not tolerate this. Think twice before doing something to hurt us.

Leader's Code of Conduct:

1. You must follow the same rules as the officers and members.
2. You must always act in the best interest of the entire guild, not individual members.
3. You must subject yourself to the decision of the guild if it is found you have broken the codes of conduct.
4. You must try to attent most guild activities, Raids, Quest Night, Meetings. Your attendence is a reflection on your Leadership!
4. You must remember you are not above any of the rules of conduct.

Officer's Code of Conduct:

1. You must follow the same rules as the members.
2. You must teach by example.
3. You must be ready to listen to feedback or problems when it is possible.
4. You must remember that you are not above any rules of conduct.

Member's Code of Conduct:

1. To agree with the rules we have.
2. To maintain the reputation of our guild/family.
3. Your actions must reflect honor and respect.
4. Kill stealing will not be tolerated.
5. There is no obligation to leave the group you are with to raid, help, hunt with, or anything any of the other members may ask you. Guild groups are suggested.
6. There will be no use of the anonymous command.
7. Members are under no obligation to stop what they are doing to craft or help other members in any way. If they do, compensation is not required, but can be offered.
8. Refusing to group with someone just because they are not in our guild is not acceptable.
9. We do not twink our members. If a member has an item they wish to donate to the guild, it will go in the guild bank for whoever can use it. Items given in this fashion are not to be sold, they are to be used by a member who can use it. Items will be sold to help pay for guild raids before they will be handed to a member just to be sold for the personal benefit of that member.


Ranger of Tunare
Leader of Silver Faith