John Kalous' Web Page



APBA and Baseball for Windows

I started this web page to allow me to share one of my hobbies with you. Most of my spare time is spent playing APBA baseball, which is a dice activated simulation. If I'm not playing the game, I'm usually researching something related to baseball. I also play APBA's computer cousin, Baseball for Windows. BBW is a computer baseball simulation.

Currently I am working on a replay of the 1966 season in BBW, and a dice and cards replay of the 1949 season. For 1949 I am using cards made by Bill Staffa, a well know APBA guru (or is it a yogi). I also play in a play-by-mail league using the "basic" APBA game. We are about to start the 1964 season. One of my two teams in the league, the Shiloh Cannons, took the 1962 League Championship. There is nothing like the dice and cards to take you back to a simpler time.


Second and Ten Football

I recently came across a computer football simulation called Second and Ten Football. It's a very good simulation and I have started replaying the 1974 NFL season. It's early in the season, but it looks like a very good game.