Alister W. Sainter - 02/03/00 13:23:42
Country: U.K.
Favourite Sport: Shooting
Age: 36
Likes: beer
Dislikes: non beer drinkers
as you can see we share a very unusual name.I have been try to find info on the history of our family name and things such as the family crest (if there is one) My father thinks that the name comes from France orininally and that we were bellmakers
Drop us an e mail
jersey aka heartbreak kid - 09/06/99 13:50:19
Country: made in heaven
Favourite Sport: in-line . horseback riding . wrestling
Age: february 12 1980
Sex: male
Likes: people
Dislikes: evil
hey richard...
WOOOOOOOOOOHBKOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. how are you doing? i miss heartland although i do not remember the last time i was there but there is that fond memory of heartland that i will never forget, especially the people. i miss you all. thank you for being a c
ol and special friend to me and to the rest of the gang. you are special and wonderful and do not ever underestimate who you are in people's eyes and hearts. that is all for now.
jersey :=o)
Myxie - 05/30/99 17:49:38
Country: New York
Sex: not that often...
Likes: man that is responsible
Dislikes: man that is not...
nice accent....
Myxie - 05/30/99 17:49:19
Country: New York
Sex: not that often...
Likes: man that is responsible
Dislikes: man that is not...
nice accent....
Bunnyhop - 05/01/99 18:05:40
My URL:http://none
Country: Scotland
Favourite Sport: Formula 1 car racing
Age: ohhh asking a ladys age well i'm no lady so there you go i'm ouch 39
Sex: Yes LOL Female
Likes: My family and Spending Money
Dislikes: People who are NOT NICE
Hello Sainter //lips x 50 Long time no see , I miss seeing you in Heartland i'm not in there much in the mornings well night's your time i'm too busy with work ..LOL many a good laugh we had ..Great page i have spend a good hour going through it ...and
oy did i love your voice that was great to hear it..Take Care see you soon i hope Bunnyhop x
Hazel aka Aubrey - 03/25/99 07:43:58
My URL:/Heartland/Flats/4146
Country: Philippines
Age: 26 yrs old
Sex: Female
Likes: My family and friends, eating, sleeping, TV and movies, Internet, reading, Psychology
It is so nice to be here once again. I have not visited your page for a long while and I really missed it!
Blaise Riou - 03/24/99 04:50:54
Je visted GeoCities et le somhow a fini vers le haut sur votre page Web. Combien d'heure avez-vous investie dans votre site Internet? J'espère avoir un bientôt!
munchkin - 03/17/99 21:30:36
Hello Love
OregonGuy - 02/06/99 21:10:30
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: Baseball
Age: 47
Sex: Male and "yes please"
Likes: Chat, micro brew, traveling to new places & watching basketball
Dislikes: Insincere people
Enjoyed your page and links greatly. Nice to see pix of chatroom friends and learn some Australian slang. Look forward to getting to know you. Hooroo Mate!
Munchkin - 12/01/98 19:12:42
Age: Does it Matter?
Sex: female(Ithink)
Likes: Richard
Hello Sweet Prince, I miss you.
bingle - 09/29/98 02:57:12
My Email:ms.bingle@philonline,com
Country: Pilipinas
Favourite Sport: tennis
Age: 37
Sex: definitely woman
Likes: ppl in HL
Dislikes: Liars
kumusta Saiter...i never realize that i have not sign your guest book yet though i've been here several times since last year. Anyways, better late than never right? //lips hehehehe. Well, thanks for being such a wonderful friend to all the filipinos...we
Love you pal. And hey, we will be one yr old friends Dec. or Jan? and hope we will stay friends forever...wish to see you in the future, stay cool and sweet! *bingle*
Cabbanna Boy - 09/22/98 11:14:35
Country: Cabanada
Favourite Sport: C F L (canadian football)
Age: 36
Sex: don't recall, I hope it's like riding a bike
Likes: off-roading
Dislikes: Liar's
Hey Sainter !! Always nice to visit your page, your wit and charm exceeds my own LOL, you always have something to make me laugh, and for that I thank you MATE <--- I'm learning hehehe Hope to keep seeing you in HL ourevoir mon ami
Dew - 09/22/98 10:39:28
Country: USA
Age: 36
Likes: Spending time with my kids, reading, cross stitching and chatting lol
Sainter - Awesome page. I could leave your page open for hours just to listen to your voice! You're a great guy..and thanks for all of your help on my page. Love ya - Debbie
munchkin - 08/27/98 16:14:12
I love your page my friend and miss you very much
Lady Genivere - 08/27/98 12:31:10
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: rollarbladeing
Age: 28
Likes: the outdoors(beach)
Dislikes: cold weather
Sainter well I thought that I would start off with this page was great loved the music. (stairway the heaven)... Those kids are beautiful and and you not bad looking yourself.. I am really glad that i met you and that you were there for me thatwonderful
Well hope to met you some day i will see you in Heartland.. Love you Bernadett
VenomousVelvet - 08/16/98 10:08:04
Country: Sweden
Favourite Sport: Soccer
Age: 23
Sex: Yes!
Likes: Life
Dislikes: Spiders
Hello handsome!
I just love your page! I hope you will help me to finish mine...
See you!
Idelette - 07/18/98 21:40:41
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: Soccer, Baseball, Amer. Football, Hockey, Volleyball, HorseSports
Age: 38
Sex: girl
Likes: all kinds of stuff!
Dislikes: brusselsprouts! yuck! and sushi!
Hi Sainter-
Popped in from Under Sec's page--
cool page!
See ya in the Heartland!
Take care
Laura - 07/12/98 21:22:41
Country: US
Favourite Sport: Tennis
Age: 17
Likes: tv
Dislikes: My sis
Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
Nice page and good idea! I found lots of internet friends on your page....whose photos I'd never seen before !!!!! (Some of look like super models *myaw's heart throbbing* Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
A very blessed Easter to you and yours, may God Bless you today and always :) Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments: Comments:
I liked your page. Thanks for visiting mine. Remember, we met in that chat room. That one,
under secretary - 06/01/98 04:45:51
sainter hi , have heard a lot aboutyour page & decided to take a look ...hey its really cool btw jaco is no expert typer or spelled either lol........keep up the good work even though our friendship seems to gone by the wayside
Aubrey again , hehehe - 05/28/98 01:47:39
hehehe, I was about to leave your page when I heard your recorded voice, *S* My first time to hear it--when did you add it on here? Hey nice voice Sainter. You've got a very "Australian accent," hahaha. Had my friend Jilla Phoebe (remember her?) list
n to your recording, and she said the same thing. Later will tell Ertling about it too. One of these days, 'will put a recorded voice on my page too :-)
Aubrey - 05/28/98 01:37:37
I noticed something new on your page, or shall I say I am missing one picture... //frowny. Hope to see ya in Heartland again. BE HAPPY, Sainter!
aubrey - 05/01/98 10:07:38
Country: Philippines
Sex: female
Just a short note to say that your children's pix is so nice. Linda and James are both dolls...You're such an interesting person, Sainter. The more I get to know about you, the more you become amazing to me. I am glad I have had the chance to meet you.
Hope you happiness in life.
myawwww - 04/27/98 13:39:16
My (j/k)
Country: Tokyo, Japan, Far(t) East
Favourite Sport: billiard
Age: 98
Likes: meaningless lies, money, sleeping
Dislikes: worms, chocolate, chocolate worms
Will come back from time to time : )
c u in the hurtland *L*
Sassy Femme Loves Alex - 04/25/98 23:14:32
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: Hunting down Alex
Age: 88
Sex: guess
Likes: ALEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dislikes: anyone who dislikes Alex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or the fact that im with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Alex... I am thankful you made him part of your page... He is a wonderful Asset... *S*... I LOVE ALEX!!!!!!!!!!! just thought i would share *S*.... you do realize he is a wonderful man, dont you? *S*... well, now that i have totally bored you... oh
wait a minute... great page... coming along beautifully *S*... almost forgot LOL.. sorry... I love alex... teehee bye bye you
Phil DiFrancesco - 04/25/98 06:45:34
My URL:`eagleeye
Country: US
Favourite Sport: FootBall
Age: 35
Sex: Male
Likes: Chat
Dislikes: rude people
Hello this is Phil_35 very nice and well done I am going to add this to my home page as a link to my chat room
Swilly - 04/16/98 16:00:08
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: Skiing
Age: 24
Sex: male
Likes: open minds, good humors
Dislikes: censorship, closemindedness, and poopyheads!
Saw your friends site.... nice work with the JavaScript! Maybe someday I'll find purchase within these halls...
NaughtyPal - 04/14/98 14:54:05
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: Baseball
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Likes: Sports and hanging out
Dislikes: People that put down disable people!!!
Nice page you have made.. your a great person within and its been great to have you as a friend hope stay the way you are and dont get into that much trouble with all the ladies out there in the world.. Keep it real!!! Best of pal!!! or mates!! well got a
get back doing my page for awhile.. Friends4Lyfe
Cuddles - 04/12/98 16:01:58
Country: US
Favourite Sport: Skydiving
Age: 41
Likes: Living each day to its fullest potential
Dislikes: Hatred, profanity, discrimination
Hi Sainter :)Thank you for inviting me to visit your home, I've truly enjoyed my visit. You have a wonderful page and I emjoyed learning a bit more about the Aussie language. Please come visit me anytime, the coffee is always fresh and the welcome mat i
there for everyone to use.
Free Spirit - 04/09/98 22:23:24
Country: Canada
Favourite Sport:
Age: 35 yrs
Sex: WOman!
Likes: So many...especially caring wonderful ppl like you!
Dislikes: Intolerant ppl..racism..hate mongers...
What a joy to visit your page!
Angelic By Nature - 04/07/98 02:23:43
My Email:N/A
Country: U.S
Favourite Sport: Field Hockey
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Likes: almost everything
Dislikes: almost nothing ; )
Sorry I have declined your offer to be famous however I need not be in the view of public for them to know that I am there. I am looked over you page and I like it, It was very well done. I am glad that I have meet you and I know that you are one of those
people out there that touch people's lives!
mamabear and gator - 04/02/98 15:01:46
Country: Canada
Favourite Sport: biking
Age: old enough to know
Likes: chatting to all the nice ppl in heartland
nice page,glad to see faces of some of the nice people in heartland. You make people feel special.
Nice to meet you. mamabear
Hexi - 04/02/98 14:34:19
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: football
Age: 40
Sex: female
Likes: chatting with mates, long walks in the woods, reading, bicycling and most of all Sainter
Dislikes: spiders
Love your page and love talking to you, hope we have many more talks together......I consider you a good friend
Love ya :)
NaughtyBoy - 04/02/98 10:22:27
Country: Land Of The Free
Favourite Sport: used to be basketball now i like to surf...the NET
Age: 21 vicious and delicious
Sex: let me seee...hmmmm...*looks at self* im male
Likes: alot
Dislikes: not much
Hey Sainter, hello there friend, this page is turning out really great and i really appreciate you doing this for us and this page will always trigger the warmest point in our hearts and you've done a great job here buddie *smile* and im sorry about your
riend and where ever he is, i bet he's happy...and i bet thats what he wants you to be also, which is be happy. well dude,i just wanna say "You Are The Man" no doubt and im proud of knowing you as a friend and hope life goes the way you want them to be pa
.... well i gots to jet for that one double nine eight. ;o) latez Sainter...Friend 4 Life: NaughtyBoy a.k.a. dan
northstar - 04/02/98 02:50:39
Country: Iowa, USA
Favourite Sport: swimming, soccer
Age: n/a
Likes: nature, sincere & friendly people
Dislikes: heights
Excellent!!! Enjoyed it all, especially the music and the Aussie slang. Hope you don't have a counter 'cause you would have to keep resetting it.
- 03/29/98 12:54:21
Country: usa
Favourite Sport: golf
Age: vey old almost ancient
Sex: yes
Likes: all my pure friends,dogs,husband,home kids etc
Dislikes: comments likepenis/fuckhead on line
this is a great am wake up thanx 4 the music & fun on line
LOREA JOHNSON - 03/29/98 12:52:38
My URL:http://AOL.COM
Country: U.S.
Favourite Sport: BASKETBALL
Age: 14
Phoebe Decena - 03/28/98 07:38:18
Country: Philippines
Favourite Sport: That I play: swimming, volleyball, mountaineering,and tennis
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Likes: outdoors, family and friends
Dislikes: irritating people
Dear Sainter,
Hi! It's nice to visit your homepage. A good friend of mine ( Aubrey, also my officemate) asked me to look at your homepage. Well, she really was just excited to show her picture in your homepage. It's nice to know that you have a good impression ab
ut our country (I hope I can say the same for everybody). Some of my relatives are living in Australia (Sydney). We, my family, plan to visit them soon! Hopefully in time for the olympics.
God bless and good luck!
HBK - 03/28/98 05:42:38
My URL:/SouthBeach/Boardwalk/5712/HBK.htm
Country: Land of the free and the home of the brave...
Favourite Sport: IceHockey, HorsebackRiding, Rollerblading, any water and winter sport....WWF (LOL)
Age: 18
Sex: I am the Heartbreak Kid
Likes: GOD, LIFE, KLIQ, animals..('specially sea animals-dolphins and orcas / rest of animals), Beach - purple sunsets, smell of ocean, walk in mild rain, wind breezing through hair, stars above, splash of waves. People who are REAL to themselves a
d others - integrity.
Dislikes: ...
HBK - 03/28/98 05:42:29
Country: Land of the free and the home of the brave...
Favourite Sport: IceHockey, HorsebackRiding, Rollerblading, any water and winter sport....WWF (LOL)
Age: 18
Sex: Heartbreak Kid
Likes: GOD, LIFE, KLIQ, animals..('specially sea animals-dolphins and orcas / rest of animals), Beach - purple sunsets, smell of ocean, walk in mild rain, wind breezing through hair, stars above, splash of waves. People who are REAL to themselves a
d others - integrity.
Dislikes: ...
(r) - 03/28/98 00:45:59
My Email:Sec(r)
Country: i pledge allegiance to no one. lol
Favourite Sport: Full Contact Fighting
Age: 21
Likes: Loves Sassy Femme
Dislikes: bastards that pick on Sassy Femme
hey Sainter.. please use this on this URL pic on your friends page......
thanks for listening...
rosebud - 03/26/98 14:27:03
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: sons' karate
Age: old
Sex: female
Likes: nature
hi Sainter just dropped in to ck it out
love what you have done here
cool page
see ya in heartland
take care
nissa and aubrey - 03/26/98 04:55:47
Country: Philippines
Hey there Sainter! Here we are again. Wanted to say that the layout of your friend's page is much better now //haha . You know what we mean *wink* Thanks! (We missed you in the chatroom yesterday.)
pooh - 03/25/98 13:39:44
My Email:e&
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: scuba
Age: 27
Likes: quick wit
Dislikes: liars
I found UR friends page very touching, I liked the quick descriptions of some of the ppl that I have chatted with - UR captured the essence of each very well....I hope when I get my pic, that I can see it here, and U will consider me one of UR special fri
nds too! *hug*
Russell (Jaco) - 03/22/98 03:51:47
Country: Australia
Favourite Sport: AFL!!
Age: 17
Sex: Only Spunky ( Kiddin, She will probably hit me when she sees this!! //ohno)
Likes: Spunky umm... Spunky.... Spunky again.... Guess What?? Spunky wins again... I think you get the idea
Dislikes: When I dont get to be with Spunky //crybaby
Love the Page so much, had to sign three times...
Russell (Jaco) - 03/22/98 03:50:40
Country: Australia
Favourite Sport: AFL!!
Age: 17
Sex: Only Spunky ( Kiddin, She will probably hit me when she sees this!! //ohno)
Likes: Spunky umm... Spunky.... Spunky again.... Guess What?? Spunky wins again... I think you get the idea
Dislikes: When I dont get to be with Spunky //crybaby
Excellent... Need I say more.... Oh, By the way, just so you know I Luv Spunky, heheh. Hey Sainter...
CARLTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heheheheheh.
Russell (Jaco) - 03/22/98 03:45:41
Country: Australia
Favourite Sport: AFL!!
Age: 17
Sex: Male, prefer female(Hope Spunky sees this LOL //haha)
Likes: Spunky umm... Spunky.... Spunky again....
Dislikes: One finger typists like me mum, takes half an hour to type in anything
Great Page, but there is always room for more pics and comments. Love the Page, and the comment on me and Spunky. Where the link dedicated to Carlton??? LOL!!
Spunky - 03/21/98 22:36:55
Country: Australia
Favourite Sport: Netball, 10 pin bowling, gymnastics
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Likes: Chat, Jaco, Sport, Jaco, Going to the movies, Jaco
Dislikes: When I'm not with Jaco
Hi!!! Your page is really cool!!! Thanx for including me and Jaco on it too! You're a great friend....oh and by the way,
GO COLLINGWOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BustyChick - 03/20/98 15:55:45
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: Football
Age: well
Sex: GREAT!!!! Luv it!
Likes: i like people that beleive in themselves and others. That lend their strengths to the weaker. I like those that push to the extreme.
Dislikes: whiners
Kewl page! I like u Sainter. Your cool.
pooh - 03/12/98 12:35:32
My Email:e&cd
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: scuba
Age: 27
Likes: too much to list - living & breathing
Dislikes: boring chat
you did a great job on this!!! I especially appreciate the fine photography! great site,
chat soon U!
Ertling (friends of AUBREY and NISSA, KORKY), officemates, too. - 03/12/98 08:04:48
Country: Philippines
Favourite Sport: volleyball,basketball,mountain climbing
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Likes: eating, watching movies, reading, and a lot more. People who are honest and fun.
Dislikes: Hypocrites... people who eat more than what i eat *SMILE*
hi, you don't know me but i know you, "kuha mo?" (that's tagalog, which means "got it?").
what i really meant by that is that you're quite popular in here 'coz they (NISSA, AUBREY, KORKY) talk about you often in "very loud voices," so, i can't do anything but have a look at your page to satisfy my curiosity and whala, eventually sign up 'coz A
BREY insisted.
just kiddin'.
it really is a nice page.
and great, 'coz my mom is in Australia, too.
so, at least now, i have gained another acquaintance from Australia. hopefully, a friend.
nissa - 03/12/98 07:35:21
Country: Pilipinas
Favourite Sport: sack race //haha
Age: 22
Sex: female
Likes: friendly and unfriendly people, dancing, watching movies
Dislikes: liar
Mabuhay! Welcome to Sainter's guestbook! hehehe I'm running out of words........what can i say! GRRRRRRRRRRREEEAT PAGE! Good luck and regards to my "kababayan" Nernie! Best wishes opppssss i mean hope you'll remain best friends forever and ever!
P.S. Hi Sainter, this is Aubrey. Just want to say hi to Nernie too! LOL Back to Nissa...
nissa again here. Aubrey is lazy to get a megaphone. hehehe
Keep on gaining friends, Sainter!
Aubrey - 02/28/98 11:59:00
Country: Philippines
Favourite Sport: Bowling (is it considered a sport?), basketball (just a spectator)
Sex: Female
Likes: People, Food, Sleep, Chat, Movies, Reading, a lot more...
Dislikes: Problems
Hey Sainter! Cool page, so nice of you to have a page for your friends... Well, "Salamat Po!" for the nice words you said about Heartland and the chatters in there. Also about my country, the Filipinos, and me as well. So touched here, really...When's
he third visit to the Philippines? I hope I'd get the chance to meet you and Nernie then. Come here again, and let's go fishing, kartracing, and watch football perhaps? LOL You and Nernie do make a good pair, I hope you'd be best friends forever...He
Sainter, I have to tell you this--There are a lot of people in Geocities who have touched and inspired me, too, and you're one of them! Thanks to you for this. It's indeed a pleasure to have met you...Stay happy!
Sassy Femme - 02/19/98 07:33:13
Country: USA
Favourite Sport: tossing fishies
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Likes: Chat
Dislikes: everything that tears me away from chat
HHHHIIIIIIIII LOVE THE PAGE.... although i have nothing to do with sainters and didnt even know what one was... i just figured you thought you were pure enough to take the name... guess i was wrong.... well, it is cute!!!!!! c-ya sweetie!!!!
rj - 01/26/98 07:51:25